Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1998 — Political parties provide mana'o on Hawaiian vote [ARTICLE]
Political parties provide mana'o on Hawaiian vote
At this writing, four political parties say they will be fielding candidates in the November elections. Because all of them would weleome the support of OHA's constituents, Ka Wai Ola gave eaeh party chairperson the opportunity to say what his or her party claims to offer Hawaiian voters. The following parties are listed alphabetically. Democratic Party of Hawai'i Membership in theT)emocratic Party embodies certain values. For example, a Democrat places human values before eeonomie values and cares for the land and its people more than industrial progress. The party also stands in support of the Native Hawaiian people in their efforts for sovereignty and self-determination and the protection of Hawaiian eultural sites. The Democratic Party encourages greater citizen participation through voting in elections, joining political parties and participating in poliheal campaigns. Persons interested in joining the Democratic Party ean obtain information at the party headquarters at 777 Kapi'olani Blvd. in Honolulu (telephone 596-2980). Marilyn Bornhorst, Chair
Hawai'i GreenParty These fragile islands are being destroyed. Greed, profit-seeking and political favors are wrecking our beautiful environment and social eulture. The Green Party was formed in 1992 by grassroots activists frustrated by Democratic and Republican politicians. Instead, Greens stand for: • Mālama 'āina, ecological wisdom and respect for nature. • Aupuni a ka lehulehu, grassroots democracy, meaning average citizens and not insiders make government decisions • Pono kaulike, social and eeonomie justice, meaning faimess to workers, Hawaiians, small farmers and not just the well-off and wellconnected people. • Maluhia aloha, nonviolence and harmony, meaning stopping harm to individuals, families, communities and our planet. Ira Rohter, Co-chair Libertarian Party of Hawai'i Nineīy years of Democrat and Republican neglect and abuse should encourage Native Hawaiians to support Libertarian candidates. The power of these two parties has always been based upon who gets the use of the ceded and homestead lands - whieh belong to Hawaiians. They
will never give up their power base, no matter what they say. But Libertarians have always supported the retum of land to Hawaiians. Hawaiians who recognize that protection of individual rights is the only valid function of govemment will vote Libertarian. Hawaiians who recognize that govemment has been the major violator of their rights will vote Libertarian. Roger Taylor, Chair Republican Party of Hawai'i Republicans will put people first. Republicans focus on helping families. Republicans have the only plan to cut ineome taxes without raising another tax to pay for it. Republicans are prepared to do everything possible to make good on a failed Democrat promise: "Education second to none." Republicans have rallied with Hawaiians to face down bad legislation many times in recent years, because bills that take away Hawaiian rights deserve to be killed. We would do the same for bad bills that hurt any group. And that's the reason why all voters in Hawai'i should vote Republican in 1998. Donna Alcantara, Chair ■ — Compiled by Paula Durbin