Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1998 — OHA kūpuna team invited to Colorado Springs [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA kūpuna team invited to Colorado Springs
By Manu Boyd Aunty Betty, (Elizabeth Kawohiokalani Ellis Jenkins), heads OHA's kupuna program as kupuna alaka'i. Recently, she, along with kupuna kāko'o Nālehua Knox, accepted an invitation to conduct opening ceremonies and a workshop at the Nahonal Education Associa-
tion meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo. "Years ago, we did a minority education presentation for the Native Indian Education Association in Washington D.C. As a result, and by being in the right plaee at the right time, we received this invitation from the NEA, all expenses paid!" Jenkins said. Since retiring from teaching, Aunty Betty has dedicated herself to sharing Hawaiian cultural values and attitudes. Assisted by a cadre of kupuna, including her mother, Elizabeth Nālani Ellis, she has developed a unique and effective presentation on Hawaiian cultural symbols for kupuna, community and school groups. Aunty Betty and husband Jack Jenkins residents of Waialua, O'ahu, are parents of three and have eight mo'opuna. Daughter N ālani Choy, also active in the community, is a member of the awardwining music group, "Nā Leo Pilimehana." The National Education Association's Challenge of Change 1998 will be held from March 1 8 - 24 in Colorado Springs. The conference theme is "Designing our Own Solutions." E ho'omaika'i! ■
OHA's Kupuna Alaka'i, Betty Jenkins