Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 2, 1 February 1998 — PERFECT TITLE [ARTICLE]

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The state continues to attempt to influence the community by trying to plaee Perfect Title in the light of some kind of crimi-

nal activity. I personally have attended many seminars presented by Perfect Title. I listen intently as I am always interested in new ideas that will force the state to stop trying to cover up the way land continues to be stolen from Hawaiians. I also monitor misinformation that may affect the cause of the Hawaiian. I have found nothing inaccurate or misleading. Perfect Title does a detailed title search in the Bureau of Conveyances and the state archives. The state claims Perfect Title goes about saying that people should stop paying their mortgages. That would be absolutely foolish since a mortgage is a contract entered into by consenting parties. What Perfect Title does is point out information not disclosed when the parties entered into the agreement. Perfect Title is the only eompany in the title search business that is uncovering a very large conspiracy having to do with illegal land transfers. In the

world of real estate, there is an important fact all should know. There is no clear title in Hawai'i. Hank Fergerstrom Honolulu