Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 2, 1 February 1998 — OHA FINANCIAL REPORT [ARTICLE]

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Year to Date Nov. 30, 1997

Cash recieved Ceded Land Revenue: $3,778,187 CBED: 0 State General Fund: (Including collective bargaining increases) $2,808.201 Federal: $43,952 Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (Interest): $89,990 Hawaiian Projects: $11,285 Native Hawaiian Rights: $52,382 Ka Wai Ola: $28,553 Sub-total-Cash Available: $6,812.550 Portfoiio ineome reinvested: $4,148,839 Tota( Cash Received: $10,961,389 Disbursements and Encumbranccs* Operations/Programs PayToll: $2,194,132 All otheT costs: $3,357,693 Grants: $345,418 NHRLF distributions: $386,270 Educational eouneil: $60,034 , Native plant projects: $1,404 BOT coirunitments: $59,921 Totai expendKures: $6,404,874 * Includes only 1998 appropriations OHA Cash tnvestments Treas»ry Cash Public land trust: $5,945,871 Hawaiian projects fund: $271,898

Native Hawaiian rights fund: $230,858 Mauna 'Ala repository: $412,742 NHRLF: $1,007,873 lnstitutioflal Cash Bank of Hawai'i - FHL Bank of Seattle Down payment loan: $6,041 program: $1,047 Home improvement loan program : $ 1 0,450 Loan program repayments: $380,103 NHRLF: T-bills and cash equivalents: $5,127,751 NHRLF: Time deposit accoimt: $1,000,000 Small distribution fund (petty cash): $10,000 lnvestment Portfolio STIF account (8/31): $29,789,414 Equities (Stocks) (8/31): $147,570,894 Fixed ineome (bonds) (8/1): $95,733,923 Totai cash and investmeirts: $287,498,865 Unbudgeted commitments OHA/DHHL loans: $20,000,000 Hawai'i Habitat loans: $10,000,000 Ceded land inventory (Act 329) (BOT approved): $425,000 Educational Foundation ** GSPD ** All other: $1,100,000 Total unbudgeted encumbrances: $31,525,000