Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1998 — OHA FINANCIAL REPORT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


lst Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1997

Cash recieved Ceded Land Revenue: $3,778, 187 CBED: 0 State General Fund (Including collective bargaining increases) $2,808,201 Federal 0 Native Hawaiian Revolving 0 Loan Fund Hawaiian Project ('Onipa'a) $194 KaWaiOla $12,652 Sub-total-Cash Availabie $6,599,235 Portfolio ineome reinvested $2,125.000 (approximately 1 percent cash retum for the quarter) Total Cash Received $8,724,235 Expenditures 0perations/Programs Payroll $1,294,766 All other costs $2,113,088 Grants $153,893 NHRLF distributions $3 1 1 ,270 Educational eouneil $52,824 Native plant projects $505 B0T commitments $59-921 Total expenditures $3,986,266 OHA Cash lnvestments (forecast 9/30/97) Treasury Cash Public land trust $6,230,60 1 Hawaiianprojectsfund $248,371

Native Hawaiian rights fund $182,303 Mauna 'Ala repository $4 1 2,742 NHRLF $835,694 Down payment loan program $1,046 Home iraprovement loan program $40,370 Loan program repayments $352,463 NHRLF: T-bills and cash equivalents $5,048,166 NHRLF: Time deposit accoūnt $1,000,000 Srnall distribution fund (pettycash) $10,000 Investment portfolio STIF account (8/31) $ 23, 1 53,764 Equities (Stocks) (8/31) $140,000,000 Fixed ineome (bonds) (8/ 1 ) $91 ,000,000 Total cash and investments $269,699,580 Unbudgeted encumbrances 0HA/DHHL loans $20,000,000 Hawai'i Habitat loans $10,000,000 Ceded land inventory (pending) $500,000 Educational Foundation ** GSPD All other $1,094,821 Total unbudgeted encumbrances $31,594,821 **Includes encumbrances