Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1998 — ʻIanuali [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
j a n u a r y c a I e n d a n o f e v e n t s w- - \ S ~ .< s w -«8wi «» ». »st V. <ss» *
Editor's note: Events of interest to the Hawaiian commumty are included in the Calendar on a space available basis. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe event or the sponsor by the Office ofHawaiian Affairs. Jan. 2 - Queen Emma Memorial Service at Mauna'ala. The granddaughter of British sailor John Young and high chiefess Ka'ona'eha, Queen Emma was married to 'Iolani, Kamehameha IV, and bore one child, Prince Albert Edward Kahakuohawai'i Leiopapa-a-Kamehame-ha. Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV's legacy includes Queens Medical Center, St. Andrew Cathedral, the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i and 'Iolani School. Jan. 3 - 4 - Hawai'i High School Rodeo Association (HHSRA) Rodeo. Enjoy an all-day celebration of the Big Island's paniolo traditions in this rodeo competition. Hōnaunau Arena, South Kona, Hawai'i. For more information. contact Al Cabral. 959-8932. Jan. 4 - 30 - E Huaka'i Pele Art Exhibition. Within this Hawaiian story of creation, life and death, presented by Hiko'ulā Hanapi, is the story of Pele's desire, deception and inevitable conflict. It is also about her home, people and a vision for sovereignty in a nuclear-free world. Ho'omaluhia Park. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information, eall 2337323. Jan. 7 - 30 - Artists of the Voleano Region Exhibition. The works of Gail Bultuturaga, Bill Downs, Marian Ranger and Tom Rice are featured. Wailoa Center, Hilo. For more information, contact Pudding Lassiter at 9330416
Jan. 8 - March 18 - "E Luku E ... Devastation upon devastation." The exhibit features the photography of Mark Hamasaki and Kapulani Landgraf, who began photographing the construction of the H-3 freeway on O'ahu in March 1 989. Honolulu Advertiser Gallery. For information, contact Allison Wong or Anne Smoke at 526-1322. Jan. 10 - "Ua Ao Hawai'i" Benefit Concert for 'īlio'ulaokaiani. Willie K., Amy Gilliom, Loyal Garner, Ho'okena, Kekuhi Kanahele 0'Brian Eselu and suprise guests join a cast of hundreds of hālau members from across the islands in a Hawaiian spectacular. Proceeds will go to 'īlio'ulaokalani, a foundation and eoaliīion of kumu hula and cultural practitioners committed to preserving the cultural environment of Hawai'i. Waikīkī Shell. $10, $15 and $25. Call the Blaisdell Box Office at 591-2211. Jan. 14 - 17 - Quiet Title Hearings. Lindsay Leopold (Ka'Leo) Lindsey will hold hearings on titles established under the original Komika O Hawai'i, and registration processing, by district
and island, ot representative delegates and pro tem appointees for the remaining seats on the Kupuna Council and the Hawaiian Beneficiaries
Representative Council 'Iolani Palaee
grounds. 11 a.m. -1 p.m. For more information,
contact Lindsay Lindsey at 668-8 1 66.
Jan. 17 - 104th anniversary of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Jan. 17 - Ke Ola o nā Hawai'i: the O'ahu Native Hawaiian Health and Wellness Forum. Heahh concerns will be brought to loeal. statea and national agencies, and inter-agency partnerships will be encouraged. Kamehameha Schools Ke'elikōlani Auditorium. Call Ke Ola Mamo at 533-0035. Jan. 18 - Ala Wai Challenge. This Hawaiian sports events includes a eanoe race, traditional games and tug of war. Ala Wai Park. 9 a.m,- 2 p.m. For more information, eall 923-1802.
Jan. 19 - "A Celebration of Hawaiian Music Traditions." Bishop Museum begins its Monday evening leeture series with "Puke Mele Ali'i" (mele of ali'i composers), presented by Kimo Alama Keaulana and Patience Nāmaka Bacon. Jan. 26 - "The Music of Helen Desha Beamer," presented by Mahi, Gaye and Keola Beamer, and Marmionette Ka'aihue. 7-8 p.m. Hawaiian Hall. $5. Call 847-3511. Jan. 21 - Opening of the State Legislature. State Capitol. Honolulu. Jan. 31 - Kā Moloka'i Makahiki. Ancient games and sports competition, Hawaiian music, various hālau hula, crafts and food. Mitchell Pau'ole Field, Kaunakakai. Call 553-3673. ■
Kumu Hula Pualani Kanahele and Nālani Kanaka'ole will lead Hālau o Kekuhi at "Ua
ko Hawai'i," on Jan. 10 at the Waiklkī Shell.
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