Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 12, 1 December 1997 — OHA Neighbor News [ARTICLE]

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OHA Neighbor News

KAUA'I The Kaua'i OHA staff is actively involved in the planning committee of the Kaua'i Eeonomie RevitaIization Project. This committee is developing plans whieh includes a broad based representation of the people of Kaua'i. The aim of this committee is to find ways to improve the eeonomy of the county. HIL0 The Hilo OHA staff assisted the Hawaiian Agencies & Organizations (HAO) with a luneheon for visiting First Naīion Indian elders and educators. The visit allowed all agencies involved with information about education systems and funding for large scale community activities. The •mmmmmmmm: mm mmm.

| program also provided time for an OHA mini-pre-sentation. MAUI The Maui OHA staff assisted 1NPEACE in identifying children under the age of five for emergency child care. This service will be funded through a grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and is intended for use in the Paukukalo H : area. | MOLOKA'I The Moloka'i OHA staff is actively monitoring j the fencing of areas in the lower portion of the island to ensure access to historical sites for native Hawaiians. ■ |