Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 12, 1 December 1997 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawaiian literary work by the late Joseph Feher. Free. For more information, eall Masa Taira at 547-4397. Dec. 31,1 834 - Birthday of Queen KapPolani - Julia Nāpelaokāka'e Kapi'olani was the daughter of Kūhiō and Kinoiki, and the grand-daughter of Kaumuali'i, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau's last independent mler. Jan. 10 -Young at Art auditions - Honolulu Theater for Youth holds classes for students 12-18 on Saturdays through April during whieh participants develop acting skills through improvisation, nonverbal expression and their own plays. Auditions are from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.and 3-5 p.m. at the HTY rehearsal hall. Classes are $75 per smdent. To audition or for addiūonal information. eall HTY at 839-9885 ext. 12. Jan. 17- Native Hawaiian Health and Wellness Summit - All native Hawaiians are invited to attend an O'ahu wide 'aha to discuss the heakh and wellness of our 'ohana and community. The focus the delivery of services to Hawaiians regardless of ability to pay. Kamehameha Schools campus. Free. For more information, eall Margaret Kalamau, special programs coordinator at Ke Ola Mamo, 5330035. Jan. 24 and 31 - "Ka Wai Ola" - This Honolulu Theater for Youth production of the play by Victoria Nālani Kneubuhl tells the story of a young boy who takes a stand for the places and people he loves. Leeward Community College Theater. $10, $7.50 and $5. 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. For tickets and information, eall 839-9885. ■
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