Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1997 — REORGANIZATION [ARTICLE]
I wanted Trustee Beamer to know that I am both overjoyed at her editorial, "When all men think alike, no one is thinking." I used to feel as if nothing would ever change at OHA and it would eonhnue to be like the Democratic Party and the old boy network. Finally, someone stood up and told Mr. Hee that he needed to give the reins away. I have disagreed with decisions he has made in the past and even he would agree that there should be change in the leadership of any political body onee in a while. If the new leadership fails, Ke Akua forbid, then all we will know is there may be too many problems in the system. These tough times eall for real leadership. By this I mean leaders who are eloquent, tough, educated and caring. Kumuhone Stone via the lnternet
Ka Leo Kaiaulu