Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 12, 1 December 1997 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
r Fishing and Farming Hawaiian Style with the 1998 Moon (alendar from Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Ovic Club
• JT\VV /j Y/i W- [ A ||i V ^ .11 IV > Al ii P .1 -AwA ^ jL^ i «k - ^y\ \ A j \»%\ KJ "■ y ' ii lA a / i i / i • i . ? i ■ i i
j. awaiians of old didn't need a calendar to tell L them when to plant or what kind of fish they ' v) v would catch on any given night. Hawaiians jl V looked for signs in their natural environment that lj \, provided guidance, one of whieh was mahina — the moon. ' f . Today the Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club Moon Calendar gives us information Hawaiians „ I knew by heart. A great gift for people connected > wit"h the 'āina or the kai, and a unique gift for those — _ \ ,who want to tune into the natural rhythms of the ^ 3 is'iands. The Moon Calendar is organized by the ■ phases of the moon and the wet and dry seasons. \ Calendars are priced at $7.95 eaeh retail, with a I .'Nh 1 price of $5.00 for HCC members. Calendars purL' chased at $5.00 must be picked up at Native Books in X . 1 Kalihi, 1244 North School Street. Calendars ean be (' 1 mailed for $12.95 whieh includes $2.00 for the mailing j ' ji tube (up to 3 calendars per tube) and $3.00 for first-class postage. Please mail payments to: Native Books, P.O. Box [ 37095, Honolulu, HI 96837. ,| i If you would like to purchase calendars as a group U ' fund raiser, please give Native Books a eall at 845-8949 for more information.
NATIVE BOOKS ORDER FORM J i Please send me calendars. I have enclosed payment totaling J to cover the cost of the calendar, mailing tube and postage. j I Make checks payable to Native Books. i Name J Mailing Address J 8 City State . . . .Zip J I 8 8 ! Country ! •