Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1997 — KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS [ARTICLE]
Regarding the lawsuit filed by Harold Rice against Kamehameha Schools, Princess Pauahi Bishop was the last direct ali'i descendent of Kamehameha I. Naming the | school after her lineage shows her desire to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. Like other ali'i, she wanted to help her people and she chose education to help children she could ; never have and desperately wanted. In her will, Mrs. Bishop plainly : directed her trustees to set aside a portion of the annual trust ineome to "support the education of orphans, and others in indigent circumstances, giving preference to Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood." Pauahi's husband, trustee Charles Bishop interpreted this clause best in his letter of Feb. 11, 1897, stating that if Hawaiian children do not want the opportunities available through the school, then places will be given to others. There is an abundance of Hawaiian children willing and able to "avail themselves of the privileges" Mr. Bishop mentioned. Therefore, preference should continue to be given to native Hawaiian children. I further recommend Mr. Rice read "Pauahi: The Kamehameha Legacy" by George Sanford Kana-
hele, review the will and research Hawaiian culture. Tanya Nāmakaonaona Hopeau Kamehameha Schools parent, Hilo
Ka Leo Kaiaulu