Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1997 — 'When all men think alike, no one is thinking' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'When all men think alike, no one is thinking'

Here we are again trving to reinforce the pillars that should uphold the foundation and underpinnings of our Office of Hawaiian Affairs. This effort must continue unīil we collect the integnty necessary to i uphold our trust. Integrity must be the first criterii on for hire. Without integrity a i motivated person is dangerous; that i person's capacity to perform

i becomes impotent, his understand- ; ing limited, and the knowledge he accumulates blinded by self interi est. Experience is usually the primary criterion for hiring, but it i should be the last, because people with unwavenng integrity will i find the right way. OHA's harmony will be developed in the willingness to accept i that God gifted eaeh of us with a different genius. To meld the nine i geniuses we bring to the table is to fashion a trust that ean be trust- : ed, founded on unblemished truth. If in the construction of this truth we air our dirty linen, so be it, i but why pretend to be what we are not? Do you as beneficiaries i wish to allow your trustees: • to commit OHA to deals and arrangements before full disclosure to the board and beneficiaries? • to circumvent and violate bvlaws bv funneling expenditures to those in administrative positions who exercised check-signing powers, without the APPROVAL OF THE BOARD? • to withhold information regarding withdrawals, expenditures, budgets? • to ignore trust laws requiring a fiduciary's actions be consistent with the interests of the beneficiaries and not wasteful? • to flout trustee procurement authority, vested by law, to approve expenditures in excess of $ 10,000?

OHA's guidelines say trustees shall establish a budgetary process whieh insures accountability and the nght to submit items for the agenda, yet trustees were repeatedly denied the right to discuss items of importance. We have had an operative administrative philosophy that sought to circumvent the laws and policies, to keep trustees ignorant. There was no alternative but change. Removal of the chair and vice chair did not eome easy. The five trustees who initiated the change tned to accomplish the openness required of not just a governmental agency, but a trust whieh is accountable to its beneficiaries. Hard feelings and resentment of being displaced should not dictate the vindictive retaliation already manifested. This change must mālama OHA's purpose to serve the | beneficiaries. Transitions are not smooth. Birthing any new child I is painful. Then the newborn must be carefully taught to live by | the laws of truth and light, and submit to continuous self introspecI tion. All but the three trustees who tragically used Trustee Keale in his sorry condition have evaluated themselves. OHA's strength is that it ean meet triumph and disaster. that it won't give way to lying. Our greater goal is not to combat desperate tactics but to begin to move ahead armed with the overwhelming letters and calls of support and concurrence. The displaced have challenged the new chairperson publicly that she is not eapahle of running a $300 million operation. She is not; neither was the past chair. Nine trustees are capable. We will listen. Public theatrical speeches are not our bent, but, we will seek expert input when needed. More community meetings are planned. We are not here to serve an elite; our task is to serve where there is need. The best opportunity in life is the ehanee to work hard at work worth doing, and OHA is worth working for. We will be an entity with whieh we will all be proud to identify. Nothing hurts our credibility more than cunning professed leaders who pass themselves off for the wise. Cleverness is not wisdom. Integrity is not showmanship or false tears. Openness, truth and an organization without secret agendas is the glass house from whieh we serve you. Delicate, sensitive, respectful and transparent is the house we seek to create on your behalf. ■


