Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 11, 1 November 1997 — Privatization of small boat harbors ...citizens beware [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Privatization of small boat harbors ...citizens beware

During the 1997 legislative session, HB 1547 HD2 SD1 CD1, signed by the govemor into Act 106, created a task force in the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) to evaluate the feasibility of and to make recommendations on a community-based management pilot program for one or more small boat harbors. This bill originally established a three-year pilot program to convert one such harbor into an independent, privately managed maiina in

accord with an operating agreement with DLNR. Public reaction caused legislators to rewrite the bill into a vehicle whieh reviews the prudence of eom-munity-based management of small boat harbors. Were they trying to slip one by us? The state's small boat harbors are important assets constructed, maintained, and operated for the purposes of recreation, landing of

rish and inter-island commerce. As centers of eeonomie activity, they produce revenue. Currently, they are regulated by DLNR, and are subject to many rules. The original HB 1547 would have allowed an exemption to the rules. Hoping for a consulting agreement with DLNR to manage small boat harbors, WestRec Marinas, a California maiina management firm, lobbied the governor and Miehael Wilson to effect legislation whieh would privatize small boat harbors. Fortunately, WesRec's hopes were dampened when the Hawai'i State Supreme Court held privatizing civil service positions illegal under HRS

Chapters 76-77. This setback is probably temporary as the legislature is known to have made exceptions to civil service laws in the past, and may do so again if pursued by interested parties. Makes me wonder what the real story is behind Act 160 and WestRec Marinas. This firm has been under scrutiny in California, and has defaulted on a $2.5 million mortgage in south Florida, two marinas in Washington and another in Maryland. I would question its credibility. In Hawaii Fishing News, Rick Gaffney's article, "Every User A Loser For Sale: Hawai'i's Small Boat Har- „ bors," points to the gov-

emor's enthusiasm for privatization of smallboat harbors and whether his enthusiasm is fueled by companies like WestRec. Money may be the bottom line in privatization, but the govemor, Mike Wilson and the legislature need to be concemed about the taxpayers who use these facilities. The real question is what happens to loeal boaters and fishermen when small boat harbors are

privatized? Will they be able to fish off the banks of the harbor? Rick Gaffney asks, "Do you think akule frshing would be allowed in a privatized small-boat harbor? No way!" I hope the govemor, department heads and legislators will provide solid answers to many questions that have been unanswered or not asked. And what of the submerged lands in the harbors? Will the state look out for Hawaiian interest? If privatization occurs, the management company would control the small boat harbors and will determine Continued on page 15


Akana, from page 14 who has access. . . . And is it true that Dave Parsons is now assigned to write RFPs for privatization bids? Setting the record straight: In the October Ka Wai Ola, Tmstee Beamer commented that I, along with Tmstees Aiona and Hee, voted against a policy amendment to allow beneficiaries free access for information. This is another attempt by Mrs. Beamer to hoodwink the beneficiaries. The tmth is the right to access to information was the first paragraph of 1 8 other amendment changes. These amendments were unrealistic, not related to eaeh other and, in short, not feasible. To vote for all 1 8 changes would have been irresponsible. To vote for one was to vote for all. For more information eall 5941868. ■