Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 11, 1 November 1997 — Opportunities for Hawaiians: OHA grants to non-profits [ARTICLE]
Opportunities for Hawaiians: OHA grants to non-profits
By Kalel Koha 'ulelie Last year, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs awarded Kula Kaiapuni o Nānākuli $24,530 for Hawaiian language immersion classes during the 1996-1997 school year. According to Sandy Ahu, Nānākuli Elementary School piineipal, "The grant not only allowed us to hire part-time teachers; it gave us the motivation and ability to inspire others to work as a team and get things done." Tlie two new instructors assisted three classes, allowing regular teachers more time with keiki for individual attention, speeding their language acquisition and honing conversation skills. Illustrating laulima - teamwork and cooperation - all kumu worked together to develop teaching concepts and curriculum and to integrate language arts with math, science and music. In March, at its annual Kūhiō Day celebration, Nānākuli Elementary honored Hawai'i's first delegate to the United States Congress. The festivities, coordinated by the part-time teachers, were an opportunity for kaiapuni stu-
dents to lead the mele and hula. "The kaiapuni program at Nānākuli wou!d not have had so mueh success this past year if it weren't for OHA's generosity," maintained Ahu. OHA's Grants, Subsidies and Purchase of Services Program works to further OHA's goals in the Hawaiian eommunity through awards to non-profit organizations statewide. GSP welcomes for its consideration proposals to conduct activities that address one or more of the following: educationa! opportunities; safe, sanitary and livable housing; basic physical and mental heahh needs; eeonomie self-sufficiency and choices for sustaining family; government participation; Hawaiian art, culture, history, genealogy or traditional and contemporary religious practices and rites; and 'ōlelo Hawai'i. Grants Applications are accepted in April and September. The next deadline is April | 24,1998. For abrochure and appIicationform,call 5941964 (O 'ahu); 933-0418 (East Hawai'i); 329-7368 (Wesr Hawai'i); 241-3390 (Kaua'i) 243-5219 (Maui); 553-3611 (Moloka'i). ■