Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1997 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Ernestburg - Descendants of John and Luka Ernestburg, Louis Nawai Enrestburg, and Nellie Saffery (daughter of Capt. Edmund Saffery and Kawaawaaiki Naehu) are compiling their family histroy. If you have information and/or photographs, contact Amy Beyer Ho'okano at 545- ! 2655. Kahawai'i - Descendants of Joseph Kepa, Elizabeth Lualoa, Daniel Kainoakupuna, James Kema and Solomon Kahawai'i are planning a reunion. A genealogy luneheon will be held Dec. 6, noon, at the Kuilima Estates' West Lānai on O'ahu. Contacts: (O'ahu) Evonne Amoe, 696-3562; Krysti Amoe, 487-3779; Robert Kahawai'i, 293-0508; (Maui) Shem Kahawai'i, Jr., 879-2776, Bonny Kahawai'i Herbert, 8748073; Lorri Howells, 879-5383. (Big Island) Shem, Sr. and Hamby Kahawai'i, 885-3425; Hamby Kahawai'i Oehmann, 883-0389, or write ; to 87-123 Alapaki St„ Wai'anae, HI 96792. Konohiki - The Konohiki 'ohana from Ko'olauloa and Ko'olaupoko, O'ahu will gather on Nov. 8, 22, and Dec. 6, 1997 at Ahi's Restau- ' rant, 53-146 Kamehameha Hwy. in Punalu'u. Meetings will be from 2-4 p.m. For additional information, contact Ahi Logan at 237-8474 or ! 296-5650. Hulumoi and Aole - Decendants of Hulumoi ; (k) born about 1810 and Aole (w) born about ! 1815, want to identify family members. Known i children are Kaulei (w), Healani (k), Nonoholani (k), Kapae (k), Naea (w) and Stanley Healani (k). Extended family names are ; Kauaawa, Paila, Keohokii, Helani and Kaapuiki. t Contact Clarence A. Medeiros at 328-2074 | (Kona), or write 86-3672 Government Main Road, Captain Cook, HI 96704. { Panaewa - Searching for the descendants of ' George Kahoiwai Panaewa with his first wife, i Punini Peleulu, and his second wife, Nihoa i Kaikoheni. There were 16 children from these ! marriages but only eight of them may have descendants. They were Solomon Kahaluakea, Richard Keliinui, George Kahoiwai Jr„ Sophia Aiakamanu, Charles Kaaiokala, Lucy Kaonohiolaloa, Alexander Panaewa and Edward Kapuleloa. A family gathering is planned for May 1998. For information and to get on the family newsletter mailing list, eall Sherwin "Sharky" Fellez, 739-5448: Moniea Kaluhiwa, 668-6451; Alohalani Pang, 696-8139; Sharleen Heanu, ! 696-6320, and Clay Part, 637-8053. ■