Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 10, 1 October 1997 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Native woūd hcrve littte effect on federal spending to asslst either Amenean lndons/ AJaska Notives or Native Hcrwaiians. " ' Aha Pūnana leo "(l)he continued classification of Hawaitans in the Astan and Pacific lstander category is contrary to the intent of Congress and will actually woik to harm the Native Hawalian Popuialion. Rectassifying Native Hawaitans wil actuaiy work to improve the administration of Federal programs fa indigenous populations." DepartmentofHawaiianHomeLands "Llke American lndians and Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians have a unique political and historical relatlonshlp with the United States. lheir eommon experiences as indigenous people underscores the rnportance of ctassifying American lndtans. Ataska Natives, and Native Howoitans 'in the same categoiy." NHAC: Pō-Martin. īrask. Rezentes. Kamau'u, Chang "Ihe fact that Hawaitans are geographically located with Astan or Pacific istandets is not reievant to Directive 15 race and ethnic classification. In fact, soctal and cultural characterlstlcs are identified as being lmportant to race and ethnicity, not geography... Just because something has been done wrong for several years ls no reason to keep doing it that woy. " Office of Hawaiian Affairs "Support the amending of classifccition of American lndian or Alaskan Native to American lndian, Alaskon Native or Native Hawaiian. We are opposed to the Notive Hawaiian In the Astan or Pacific lstander cotegory," Treaty of lndlgenous Peoples lntemational ■