Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1997 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Excerpts for Ipoliona eolumn from page 12 'Notive Hawaiians resemble Ameiiean lndians and Ataska Natives more than Asians. lhis is borne out by federal taws. as for example, the Native American Graves Repatriation Act, the Nalional Museum of the American lndians Act and the Higher Education Amendments of 1986 Program for Native Hawaiian Culture ond Deveioprnent.' Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum "Since the socioeconōmlc characteristics of Native Hawaiians are significantly different from Asians, put>lished data whieh combine these groups often mask the spectal needs of Notive Hawaitans as an indigenous population ond ore, therefore, not responave to fhe intent of (Federal lnteragency Committee)Principle6." ALU UKE, ine. Native Hawaōons when compared to Asicins show more significant differences whte there is less difference when compating Native Hawaiians with Ametican lncSans. lhis would lead one to conclude that comblning Native Hawaiians with Asians into an Asian and Pacific lslander category is unwfee. It would be more appropriate to combine Native Hawaiian in the same category as American lndian," Pacitic Health Research lnstitute Roger Walke, Spectalist in Amenean lndtan Policy of the Civil Rights SecI tion, Govemment Division of the Ubrary of Congress, firrds that barring any other statutory changes, shifting Notive Hawaiians from the Asian/Pacific islander category into the same categoiy as Amenean lhdtans and Aloska