Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1997 — Leināʻala Heine opens classes [ARTICLE]
Leināʻala Heine opens classes
Kumu Hula Leinā'ala Kalama Heine and the Ladies of Nā Pualei o Likolehua offer open registration for hula instmction for wāhine ages 6 - 45, and will begin in mid-Octo-ber. Heine graduated as kumu hula in 1 973 from Ma'iki Aiu Lake, and opened her hālau hula in 1976. She also studied with Vicky 'Ī'ī Rodrigues, Joe Kahā'ulelio and Ruby Ahakuelo, and is the featured solo dancer for the Brothers Cazimero. Space is limited. For more information, eall 676-0056 or 7320086. ■