Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1997 — Alu Like Training [ARTICLE]
Alu Like Training
Hawaiians interested in leaming or perfecting business skills ean enroll in Alu Like's Entrepreneurship Training Program or Saturday workshops. For the remainder of 1997, two six-week ETP classes, overviewing business attitudes, marketing, organization, financial management and planning, are scheduled to run Nov. 8 - Dec. 13 in Honolulu and Nov. 15 - Dec. 20 in Hilo. At Kawaiaha'o Plaza, a food service workshop will be held Oct. 18, and a personal finance
workshop on Nov. 1. For more information, eall the Alu Like Business Development Center at 5356776 (O'ahu); 242-9774 (Maui); 961-2625 (Hawai'i); 245-8545 (Kaua'i).