Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 10, 1 October 1997 — Resolution 32 [ARTICLE]
Resolution 32
House Concuirent Resolution 32 passed unanimously the U.S. was House of Representatives in March. The resolution ratifies changes made by the Hawai'i state legislature to the Hawaiian Homes program. Congressman Neil Abercrombie introduced the resolution at the request of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands after consultation with Hawaiian homesteaders' organizations. Senators Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye introduced similar legislation in the U.S. Senate. Resolution 32 a!lows a homesteader to designate as a successor lessee, a grandchild who is at least 25 percent Native Hawaiian. It is consistent with existing laws that allow children or spouse of at least 25 percent Native Hawaiian origin to succeed the homesteader. The new Iaw also authorizes the State of Hawai'i to obtain homeowner's insurance for homesteaders and issue bonds to establish a Hawaiian Hurricane Relief Fund.
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