Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1997 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FREE: Breast and cervical cancer screening The Department of Health is announcing a pilot screening and education program for early detection of breast and cervical cancer in Hawai'i. The program will be available to unmsured and underinsured women of native Hawaiian and Fihpino ancestry over the age of 50. The DOH's Breast and Cervical Cancer Program will administer the pilot program at three locations, two on 'Oahu and one on Kaua'i. The following services will be offered to eligible women from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1997: education and training on breast health, elinieal breast exams, mammograms, pap tests and pelvic exams. For more information, eall 1-800-4-CANCER.

Ka nuhou mai alu like Are you interested in starting or expanding a business? The Alu Like Business Development Center ean provide you with key information through its Entrepreneurship Training Program. ETP Class Schedule Saturdays, Nov. 1 - Dec. 6, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. BASIC (Honolulu) Saturdays, Nov. 8 - Dec. 13, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. BASIC (Maui) Business Workshops (subjects pending) Sat., Oct. 18, 10 a.m. - noon (Honolulu) Sat., Nov. 1,10 a.m. - noon (Honolulu) Sat., Dec. 13, 10 a.m. - noon (Honolulu) The Entrepreneurship Training Program BASIC course overviews the entire spectrum of entrepreneurship; business attitudes, markebng, organization, financial management and business planning. Space is limited. For more information on dates, times, classroom sites and applications, contact the Alu Like Business DeveIopment Center at: O'ahu 535-6776, Maui 242-9774, Hawai'i 961-2625, Kaua'i 2458545.

toeetf Hawaiian Longboard Federation (HLF) Series continues Oct. 1 1-12. HLF presents the "Backwash Bash" at the Ala Moana Bowl. For more information, eall (808) 735-0107. Volley(/& \ll ih UwAiiA H Ke A'a Mākālei Every Saturday play volleyball, card games and music while you leam to speak Hawaiian. Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (sometimes later) at Pōka'i Bay, Look for the volleyball net. Free to native Hawaiians and native Americans. For more information, eall (808) 956-3560.

fc'*€LASSlff>lf;i»ft BDS*C1AS-

$5,000 unsecured, 4.9% inter- . G est, $25 referral bonus. no vO credit eheek, guarantee y.0 approval, send $3.00 for y . kO credit card application to: X M. Paulo.P.O. Box441. Hōnaunau. Hawaii 96726.

Trade Big lsiand agricultural lot 5 acres for agriculturai lot on O'ahu. Call MAMO (808) 696-6735.

Young Hawaiian male interested in growing/farmlng taro. Anyone interested in leasing/sub-leasing availabie : land on Oahu please eall Kalani @ (808) 949-3155. Leave message.

The Royal Kona Resort situated on historical Kailua Bay and conveniently located near restaurants, shops and island attractions. Ask about our Kama'ōina rates: (808) 3293111 or 1-800-919-8333.

Position at activity cattle and horse ranch in Waimea, B.l. Good with children, assist in office and house chores. Salary plus. Dahana Ranch 808-885-7833.

Change your luek. Get your Good Fortune Days for 1998, Send birthdate and $5.00 eaeh. Homestead lntl. P.O. Box 235149, Honolulu. Hi 96823-3502,

4+ acres of DHHL agricuitural ? lot for sale in Waianae Sen- i ous inquiries only, (808) 6968584 ask for Charlie.

0*ly f 5.Sr/ EeaeA HawaHah Aon*cfolA<. Up to 24 words. (No artwork) Classified ads must be prepaid. Send your ad along with your name, address . and telephone number with a eheek made payable to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Mail to: Ka Wai Ola o OHA Classifieds, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honoiulu, Hl 96813. CLiS§ll1EOI*CM§81FlEI^*€L4l§l1EOI«Blj¥«mL*TlliUlfi ♦ JBli \ i. ■ ¥ « € i.,.i§Sl..ll EJ>»S • €;L 1 1 E!1S * €L.ASS1-