Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 9, 1 September 1997 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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A $2 Billion Airport A s50 \Iillion Jet A $ 1,000 Roundtrip Ticket. And Just 50c Rent

A portion of airport landing fees has been shared with Hawaiians dating back to 1980, under mutual agreement by the State, OHA, and the airlines. Payment is made because several state airports he largely on lands that weie onee owned by the Kingdom of Hawai'i, including roughly a thind of Honolulu Intemational Airport (see map below). Under the Statehood Act and other laws, part of the

revenues generated at the airports is to be used specifically to benefit native Hawaiians. The current landing fees amount to roughly $2.50 per mainland or intemational round-trip airline ticket (interisland landing fees are mueh lower). Hawaiians' share of these landing fees amounts to less than 50c per round-trip ticket. Just 50c in "rent" for a major portion of terminal buildings, runways, and the entire reef runway. In April, the FAA interpreted a federal guideline that says airport revenues may only be used for airport operation and improvements, and announced that payments to Hawaiians for use of the land ean no longer be made. But if paying for the land undemeath airports isn't an operational cost, what is? OHA calls upon the airlines, officials, and community leaders to do the right thing, and support legislative and administrative efforts to solve this problem. It's only fair. OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS


The OHA Report is presented as a puhlie service by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.