Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 9, 1 September 1997 — OHA grant boosts gymnasts [ARTICLE]
OHA grant boosts gymnasts
A $19,050 grant approved by OHA's Board of Trustees last February is providing scholarships to 30 Hawaiian children, between 3 and 13, in training at the Hilo Gymnastics Club. "This is an excellent way to boost our native children's confidence," said Warren and Hazel Nihipali whose daughters received scholarships. "If they feel eonfident in gymnastics, then that attitude could cariy into all areas of their lives." For more information about similar grants or programs, eall Carla Kurokawa at 961-2625 or 982-5922, or Kalei Kahā'ulelio at 594-1964.
Ka Wai Ola o OHA