Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 9, 1 September 1997 — Aloha Festivals 1997 "E Ala, E Kōkua" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha Festivals 1997 "E Ala, E Kōkua"
Aloha Festivals officially gets under way with opening ceremonies on the grounds of 'Iolani Plaee at 5 p.m. Sept._ 21 . Later that evening, a ho'olaule'a in downtown Honolulu will set the paee for hundreds of events statewide over the following six weeks. After opening on O'ahu, the festivals eonhnue on Hawai'i , then Moloka'i, Maui, Kaua'i and Lāna'i, eulminating with the Roval Ball on Nov. 7 at the
Hilton Hawaiian Village. To celebrate its 51 st anniversarv, Aloha Festivals' theme promotes the spirit of volunteerism. E Ala, E Kōkua (Arise and Lend Support) was selected by Aloha Festivals President Jeff Bell Sr., vice president and chief financial officer of the Bemice Pauahi Bishop Museum, with the kōkua of Museum Cultural Speciahst Pat Nāmaka Bacon. Momi Cazimero of Graphic House ine. designed the theme logo. For more information, eall 545-1 771 . E-mail: alohafes@hula.net. Web site: «http: / / vhawaii.com/ alohafestivals» Festival dates: O'ahu Sept. 12-21 Hawai'i Sept. 19-28 Moloka'i Sept. 28 - Oct. 12 Maui Oct. 3-12 Kaua'i Oct. 10-19 Lāna'i Oct. 17-26