Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 August 1997 — East-West Center invites teachers to learn and teach about Tahiti [ARTICLE]
East-West Center invites teachers to learn and teach about Tahiti
Hawai'i's teachers are invited to visit Tahiti for a two-week seminar to learn about Polynesian roots and social and political issues. The East-West Center at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa is hosting the seminar. Approximately 18 teachers will travel to Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea and Huahine to explore archeological sites and visit governmental and social institutions. Participants are expected to use and apply the information they receive in their school and classrooms. Teachers are expected to create curriculum and teacher groups to pass on their information. The program hopes to generate
enhanced self-esteem and cultural understanding. Applicants must be fulltime teachers at the pre-colle-giate level in public or private schools in Hawai'i. Preference will be given to teachers of Hawaiian studies, Pacific Island studies and Hawaiian language. The Center for Pacific Island Studies is giving three grad-uate-level credits for participants in this program. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is supporting the East-West Center's program through a grant. For more information eontact the Consortium for Teaching Asia and the Pacific in the schools (CTAPS) at (808) 944-7609.