Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1997 — DOH Vital Records Office fees increase [ARTICLE]
DOH Vital Records Office fees increase
Fees for certified copies of birth, death and marriage certificates at the Department of Health Vital Records Office are now $10. The charge for additional copies of the same certificate ordered at the same time is $4. "The fee increase is the first in 20 years and makes Hawai'i fees eomparable with the rest of the United States," said State Registrar Alvin Onaka. "The new fees also more accurately reflect the administrative costs of conducting the search for the requested record." Cash or personal checks are not accepted for mail-in orders. Cash, a cashier's eheek or money order will continue to be accepted at the Vital Records Office counter. The fee covers the cost of searching for the record and will be charged whether or not the record is found. The increase was approved by the Legislature in the 1997 session and signed into law (Act 216) by the Governor June 16. Fees will be used to improve the vital records system and for supporting domestic violence programs.