Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1997 — ʻAUKAKE Calendar of Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻAUKAKE Calendar of Events

Uft 19 & 16- 20th Annual Hō'ike Under the direction of Kawaikapuoka-lani Hewett, Kuhai Hālau o

Kawaikapu-okalani Pā 'Olapa Kahiko ine. will hold its 20th Annual Hō'ike at 7 p.m. Atthe Ron Bright Auditorium, Castle High School. Joining the hālau will be Aunty Genoa Keawe, Palani Vaughan, Hālau Keali'ionalani, Kana'e, the Lim Family from Kohala and Olomana. For ticket information, eall Aunty Aliee Hewett at (808) 259-9253 or the H5 'ike Hotline at (808) 259-8612. Au<n*t 17 - Bankoh Ki-Ho'alu This is

the third concert in the 1997 Bankoh KiHo'alu series and one of the foremost slack key events of the year. Many of the lslands' premier talents will highlight the 15th annual celebration of Hawai'i's unique musical genre at the Bishop Museum from 12-5 p.m. Admission is free. Call (808) 239-4336 or e-mail: milt.concerts.slack.key@juno.com. Au}i**t W - Under a Hawaiian Moon The leading authority on the Hawaiian moon calendar, Lyons Kapi'ioho Naone, also a traditional Hawaiian healing practitioner and teacher, shares his vast knowledge of the many faces of the Hawaiian moon. Begins 7 p.m. at the Ritz-Carlton Amphitheater in Kapalua. Admission is free and advance registration is requested. Call the Kapalua Nature Society at (808) 669-0244 for more information. Au$u*t 59 -Listen to the Forest Oid-time Hawaiian composers artfully blend the beauty and appreciation of nature into their lyrics. Join Eddie and Myrna Kamae and the Sons of Hawai'i for a special music and video presentation of their "Listen to the Forest" - a tribute to old Hawai'i and the special creatures that eall our islands home. At the Ritz-Carlton (Salon 3) in Kapalua at 6:30 p.m. Free admission. Advance registration requested. For more information eall the Kapalua Nature Society at (808) 669-0244.

Au$u*t 50 - Fashion Show

Luneheon The Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club proudly presents Kulana Hiehie 'O Emalani featuring: Fashions by Delilah, Kapal'ahu, Manuheali'i and Designs by Puamana Crabbe at the Hilton

nawanun vinuge noiei (Coral Ballroom) from 1 1 a.m, - 2:30 p.m. Entertainment by Hawaiian Soul, Noelani Mahoe Trio and Ka Pa Ku Kaiaulu. There will also be a craft fair in the lobby starting at 9 a.m. Numerous prize giveaways. Tickets cost $35/person. For tickets and more information eall Jean (808) 845-8651 , Peggy (808) 395-8847 or Charles and Betty at (808) 235-1088. Au^u*t 5P - lsland Harvest and Hukilau Loeal farmers, fishermen and chefs work together to showcase Maui's bountiful harvest of produce, fish and game. This event features a Hawaiian hukilau, farmers market, food booths

» and entertainment by Eric Gilliom. Held at the Ritz-Carlton Beach House Lawn in Kapalua from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Cost: $30/person, $15/ person ages 12 and under, half-price when mentioning the Earth Maui Nature Summit. Space is limited and reservations are required. Call the Kapalua Nature Society at (808) 669-0244 for more information. Au^u*t 5 1 - Na 'lewe Moku o Kākou (Our lsland Home Lands) Kumu hula Hōkūlani Holt-Padilla, traditional Hawaiian healing practitioner Lyons Kapi'ioho Naone and members of the Ritz-Carlton's Hawai'i Council share how native Hawaiians are keeping their natural and cultural heritage alive today for future generations. Admission is free. Held at the Honokahua Preservation Site (adjacent to the RitzCarlton), Kapalua. Call the Kapalua Nature Society at (808) 669-0244 for more information. ieftemiei - Fall Hawaiian language classes Held at the Old Archives on the grounds of 'lolani Palaee. Students will learn Hawaiian pronunciation as well as basic conversation skills. No homework and no tests. Classes start September 17 at 1 1 a.m. or noon. To register or for more information, eall Cindy at (808) 522-0822.