Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1997 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻOhana Reunions

Hoapili - Looking for the descendants of Mary A.K. Hoapili who married John Kanekoa of Waipi'o December 5, 1912. She later married Apiu Wong alias Henry Wong Akana. Her father was known as Thomas Hoapili. She died 1932 in Waipi'o. Her children are Charles, Elizabeth, Rose Kaapipi, Henry, Eddie and William. Write Judy Belanio, P.O. Box512, Honaunau, Hl 96726. PJease send your name and phone number so we ean contact you. Meyer - We are having our first Meyer 'ohana reunion for the descendants of Frederick Meyer and Mary

Kukilakaikanaloa Kapu who had 10 children (spouses of the children appear in parenthesis): Fred Meyer (Emma Kauwila Poe); George Meyer (Nancy Kaleiwahea; Lizzie Kaleiwahea); John Meyer (Elizabeth Pele ^ Meek); Edward Meyer (Philomena Luia); Annie Meyer (Harry

Holt); Emma Meyer (James Duncan); Christina Meyer (Harry Haslam); Bessie Meyer (Benjamin Harrison Brown, Jr.) and Harold Meyer (Jennie Akeo). The reunion will be held on Saturday, August 30, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Bellows Air Force Station, Waimōnalo, O'ahu. Activities will include a lū'au, swimming, games, door prizes and a special presentation to our kūpuna. For more information, please eall either

Aliee Nalani Theodora at (808) 942-9477 ext. 268 or (808) 239-7922 or Dexter Soares at (808) 533-0035 or (808) 676-0451. Prestidge - The Prestidge 'ohana reunion is set for August 9 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Bellows Beach Park— Tennis Court Pienie Area on Tinker Road (2nd right after guard). The cost is $10 per person for children over 12 and adults (to cover food & expenses). Please send eheek to Louise (Lou) Prestidge ASAP. For more information contact Lou at (808) 734-2800. Waila'ia - Descendants of Waila'ia and his three children,

Nahi'ena'ena, Aukelenui-a-iku

Ul IU / M IIU Ul 1 Waipi'o, Hawai'i, are preparing for

a īamiiy reunion to be held August 1 517. We are looking for the families of Kaukini, Po'opu'u, Kaloheaulani, Kamakamanoanoa, Pelenui, Kealaihi,

Moakeawe and Lalakea. Please eome and join us. Location of the reunion is still pending, possibly at Pōka'i Beach Park in Wai'anae. For confirmation, eall one of the following 'ohana members: Nita Akui (808) 732-1 103; Natalie (808) 668-41 15; Margaret Burke Chun (808) 637-5523 or write to Napoleon "Nappy" Napalapalai atP.O. Box 171, Waipahu, Hl 96797.