Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 August 1997 — Ogata to apply corporate success to government [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ogata to apply corporate success to government
By Ryan M. Mieike
Twenty years of professional management and corporate success have landed Randall Ogata at the administrative helm of one the fastest growing organizations in Hawai'i — the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. "The strength of Randall Ogata is the sohd business experience he brings to OHA, especially as president and general manager of a high technology company," said Stanley Lum, who screened the apphcants for the OHA Board of Trustees. Ogata, 50, was selected last month from a field of 41 applicants. His background, however, comes not from state government but from the world of business; most recently at EMA Office Systems; prior to that, he was president and general manager at Honolulu Cehular Telephone Company. Ogata's position at OHA began July 1, and he has since signed a twoyear contract. When he found out about the opportunity to become OHA's next administrator, Ogata said, he researched deeply into issues affecting OHA's benehciaries. "I beheve in what OHA's mission is," he said. "And I reahy feel that I ean make a positive contribu-
tion to OHA." The contribution that Ogata makes at OHA wih eome not only from his administration of the many programs that affect the quahty of hfe and general well-being of the beneficiaries, but he said his experienee throughout his career also shapes any future success. At the beginning of his professional life, an important mentor of his told him, "If you want your life to be rewarding, then find a need and fill it." Ogata added, "I feel that OHA had a need, and I feel that I ean fill that need." Ogata said he understands the demands of the position will eall for a careful focus on organizational objectives, but he is not a big believer in micro-management. His style is more in line with cutting-edge management styles used throughout Fortxme 500 eompanies — participative management. "Empower" is not just a buzz word, he said. He intends to provide OHA's staff the tools to get the job done and to stand behind the staff as it moves forward. In one of his first meetings with his staff, his
focus was on team building 1 and the necessity for people in the organization to focus on t cooperation and mutual assistance. "I plan to take a lot of the lessons that I learned in the pri- i vate sector and apply them to the staff at OHA," added Ogata, a University of Hawaii and Farrington High School graduate. "In private industry, you really need to understand who your market is, what motivates your market, what drives the market, and what the needs of ! the market are," he said. "You really need feedback from the marketplace if you're going to be successful. So, I think if you replace 'market' with 'henehciaries/ the result would be continued on page 3
New OHA administrator
continued from page 1 pretty mueh the same." The corporate-mindedness of OHA's newest administrator reflects a new direcHon for OHA. Lum recognized that things were different in OHA's most recent search for an administrator. In 1993, OHA was looking for candidates more involved in public and social service programs. Now, a more corporate outlook is emerging at OHA, Lum said. OHA Trastee Billie Beamer said Lum recognized that OHA's enhanced revenues "have catapulted the organization into a position of prominence in government and busmess circles." The growth of OHA's influence
throughout the Hawai'i community and the attenHon that it brings has Ogata in the position of a public figure. His role as OHA's newest administrator and his growmg knowledge of the issues that plaee OHA in the eommunity spotlight have already affected on his long-term future. "My goal is to devote the rest of my career toward OHA's mission, whieh is to improve the quality of life of Hawaiians living now and in the future," he said. "I really believe that if I ean accomplish that goal, I will not only have improved the quality of life for Hawaiians, but for all of the state of Hawaii." (Barbara Hastings contributed information to this story) !
Ogata to lead OHA in new direction