Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 August 1997 — Kūpuna conference [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kūpuna conference
In celebration of the tenth anniversary of 'Aha Kūpuna Ku'ikahi a nā Kūpuna, Kupuna "Aunty Betty" EIlis-Jenkins, her kāko'o, Aunty Nālehua Knox, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) announee a convocation of Hawaiian elders. The 1997 'Aha Kūpuna will be Oct. 2-5 on the island of Kaua'i at the Outrigger Kaua'i Beach Hotel in Līhu'e. This ^eai-^ theme, "E Pih Kākou" ( We Are Connected), promises to be ceremonial, reflective, enhghtening, relevant, hands-on, meaningful and rewarding. Recipients of past awards will be remembered, and three new honorees will be named at "E Pih Kākou." The Ka Hā Mai Kalāhikiola Nāli'i'elua Award given in memory of OHA's first kahu, Gregory 'Tapa Kalā" Nāli'i'elua, wih be presented to a kupuna selected by the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. A second award, the Ka HāMai Nālani Ellis Award, named in honor of Hawahan educator/ administrator, the guiding kupuna matriarch of OHA's kūpuna team, Kupuna Elizabeth Nālani Mersberg-Elhs, will be presented to a kupima selected by OHA's kūpuna team and planning committee. The Kūpuna Po'okela Award is a participatory award presented eaeh year to a kupuna who has been "elected" by virtue of a ballot at the kūpuna conference. The honored kupuna does notneed to be present to receive the award but must receive a majority vote of ballots cast. For more information, eall OHA's Education Division at 594-1912. Neighbor islanders may eaU toll free at 1-800-468-4644, extension 41912. Hawai'i islanders may eall toU free at 974-4000, extension 41912. Kūpuna are urged to make early plans and arrangements. Kupuna certificates of attendance will certify 20 hours of participation "On Being Kupuna."
Hr ptae