Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1997 — Call to artists: Hawaii Craftsmen Annual Statewide Exhibit [ARTICLE]
Call to artists: Hawaii Craftsmen Annual Statewide Exhibit
The Hawaii Craftsmen 30th Annual Statewide Exhibit will run from September 6 through September 28 at the Academy Art Center at Linekona this year. Vicki Halper, associate curator of modern art at the Seattle Art Museum and juror of the exhibit, will lecture on the current trends of contemporary craft as it pertains to her Hawaiian experience . The lecture takes plaee Sept. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Honolulu Academy of Art Theatre. The exhibition will be a gala event that celebrates the talents and dedication of Hawai'i's artists and crafts peo-
ple. Being one of the finest vehicles ^ available in Hawai'i for craft artists am to display the superb quality of their :||| work in a setting whieh confers respect to their efforts, it culminates a S year of workshops and other activi- m ties and allows them to assess their m accomplishments dtning the year and | highlight their excellence. Alongwith | the festive opening reception featuring 1 an exciting silent auction, cash prizes will be awarded. Entry dates and chairpersons to contact for eaeh island are as follows:
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