Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1997 — Iulai Calendar of Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Iulai Calendar of Events

S - Kilo Hōkū at Haleakalā Feeling a lit- | tle lost is the night sky of Hawai'i? Then climb , Haleakalā for Kilo HōkO (star watchina) the

ancient Hawaiian way. Join the staff of the National Park from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Hosmer Grove Camp-

ground. Dress warmly, bring a red-fil-tered flashlight, beach mat or blanket to sit on, binoculars, and thermos full of hotdrinks. Call 572-9306. S - Ke Ola Mamo Health Fair Their 4th annual health fair will be held in the center court at Windward Mall. The celebration begins at 9 a.m. and will last until 3 p.m. 1 1uly 10 - Artist of Hawai'i 1997 Through August 10, witness some of the best work of Hawai'i's artistic community at i the Honolulu Academy of Arts. Attracts an average of over 400 artists. Tues-Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun 1-5 p.m. $5 general admission, $3 for seniors. students and military. No charge for children under 12. Free to the public on the first Wednesday of every month. 1uly 11-1 5 - Discover you inherent sovereignty Workshops on how pubiic intemational, nalional and state laws

| apply to Hawai'i's Sovereignty. Educational material to be handed out. Camp out or attend for the day in Hau'ula at 53850 Kam Hwy. This event will be repeated July 1 8-20 at the

Moloka'i-Ho'olehua Recreation Center. Call (808) 536-8220 for more info. 7u(y 1<f - Follow that Fish! Shark & fish tracking Bishop Museum continues its Oeean series program "Oeean Planet, Oeean People." How far do tiger sharks travel? How large is "home" for a pāpio? Join research biologist Dr. Kim Holland, associate researcher at the Hawai'i lnstitute of Marine Biology, qs he ar^ers these questions and more about shark and fish tracking. Free! Begins at 7 p.m. and includes admission to the exhibition Oeean Planet. Call 848-4187 for more info. luly 19 L 20 - 20th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival More than 20 hālau from O'ahu, Kaua'i, Lāna'i, Maui and Moloka'i will be featured during this event held at the Moanalua Gardens. Other activities include Hawaiian Arts, Crafts and Games. Admission is free. For more information eall 839-5334.

July 22 - "Celebrating Coral Reefs" 1997 has been proclaimed the lnternational Year of the Reef to promote worldwide understanding and protection of corals and coral reefs. Dr. Karla McDermid, professor in the Marine Scienee Dept. at UH-Hilo, will introduce the Hawaiian corals and share recent research on the health of corals via slide show. Begins at 7 p.m. at the K" īlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. For more information eall (808) 985-6013. Ju(y 21-25 - Kōkua Nā Keiki Family Asthma Program The Amenean Lung Association of Hawai'i teaches both parents and children how to eope with childhood asthma. Asthmatic children age 5 to 14 are eligible for this program on O'ahu, Kaua'i, Maui and the Big lsland (Hilo and Kona). There are five children's sessions from 1 1 :30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Tripler Army Medical Center's Fitness Center and two parents' sessions July 16 and 23 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the American Lung Association of Hawai'i at 'A'ala and Kukui streets. Registration is $10; some scholarships are available. For more information eall 537-5966. TAi»u}A 1u(y 25 - Pre$chool Programs The Hawai'i Nature Center on O'ahu offers onee again Children of the Land for three and four-year-old nature

lovers. Preschoolers will delve into dirt, run after rainbows, tickle trees, sing songs and discover fun and adventure in the great outdoors. Monday-Friday 9

1 a.m. to noon. A three-hour program organized for preschool groups only. For more information eall 955-0100. 1u(y 2? - Diving into the Twilight Zone The final part in Bishop Museum's evening Oeean series. Journey into the "Twilight Zone" with pioneer oeean explorer Richard Pyle as he dives to depths between 200 and 500 feet in an oeean area whieh is almost unexplored. Free! Begins at 7 p.m. and includes admission to Oeean Planet. For more information eall 848-4187. 1u(y 12-4«$ 24 - FREE 'Ukulele Class For children of Hawaiian ancestry in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade. lnstruction by Dreena Kāne will be eonducted in Hawaiian and English. Participants must bring their own 'ukulele. All applicants must present a copy of their birth certificate and/or OHA Operation 'Ohana card. Seven Saturdays, 9am - noon (one hour break) 1 - 3pm. For registration or information eall Bill Souza at (808) 455-0477 or fax (808) 453-6730. 4ufuft 2</ - 10th Annual Holo Mālie This 5.2 mile Fun Walk/Run is a benefit for Hula Halau Na Pualei o Likolehua, Pūnana Leo o Honolulu and the Life Foundation. $18entryfee. Deadlineto enter is August 8. Call 676-0056 for more information. The Pacific New Meāia at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Attend classes on video and film production. This 12th annual summer program features workshops conducted by outstanding industry professionals and film/video scholars. Sign-up today! For course schedule and more information eall (808)9563422.


Surf Meets ; e i< ^$6 ^ The HLF Contest Series continues & r xh ( - — July 5-6 t ^ The Blue Hawaii Leahi Longboard Op%i ,will t>d.hel4*at th® Diarhond HeadCliff. Call (808) 735-0107 fbr r^rtejnTp^dA^r / U t e i ry i» w Amenean Longboard Sutf Clcssic !/ (. '/) July 12-13 held at the i f China's Longboard Surfing Clossic ( ) , July ^epeh^/ _ \f'' hf ' ^ ^lleybalMh^£waUan Ke A'a Māk^ei / [" ~*7} Every SaturdaV-f^ay volleybqll, card games and music wfc»ttē you ledrh to speak Hawaiiai^. S"atujet^ys fr,om 10Axm. - 1 p.rry(soTlTetim^s laiē/ at Pōka'ī Bay. Lo^k for me volleyb,aifnet. Fre^eYnativ»Hd'wdiians and native Ameri|;ans. ^or mO^^(orrTiati^h^all Ke A at Canoe Races r <3^ O'ahu Hawaiian Canoe Racing AssociatiorTtpHCRA) July 4 Wd"lfor>f / )Atqikiki Beach July 13Afot^!XJ^piko^g^ūrtō ( / /^/^ĒLehi Lagoon July 2(7DC H^^^annp^nihi^ K.ē)ehi Lagoon Nā 'Ohana o nō Hul Wa'<(^ss6ciation O^OONHWA) July 6 NāLKeiki'O Kājv1ōn / r "^W -^Ma'ili Beach July 13 Wallikī Beach(Boys / ^ 3 Waikiki Beach i July 19 Hui wa'd Cjjrampionships f Ci!M Ke'ehi Lagoon Moku o Hawai'i Canoe Racing Association (MOHCRA) July 5 Puna C«5noe Club s Hilo Bay July 12 Waik/loa Canoe,C|i4D • Aneaho'omalu Bay July 19 Mokw o Hawap-CHampionships Kawaihae Harbor July 26 UncleJ2ecF^<atlTily Regatta Kailua-Kona 1 Maui County Hawaiian Canoe Association (MCHCA) July 5 Moki Kalanikau Regatta i July 12 D.T. Tihada Regatta i July 19 John M. Lake Regatta 1 Kaua'i Garden lsle Canoe Racing Association (KGICA) July 6 Hanalei Tai Hook Regatta i July 20 KGICA Championships