Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1997 — ʻOhana Reunions..... [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions.....
'Ahahui - 'Ahahui Mo'i o Aloha Week's 50th Anniversary; The 'Ahahui cordially invite all who have ever served as a member of the Royal Court and their family to a reunion and fellowship to be held at the Ala Moana Lester McCoy Pavillion on Saturday, July 26. Fellowship will begin at 1 1 :00 a.m. followed by a luneheon ending at 3 p.m. A charge of $10 per person and an RSVP is required. Please RSVP by July 10 with the year and capacity in whieh you served. The 'Ahahui is also seeking those Royal Court members or family with that special gift of entertainment and/or craftsmenship to kōkua with this golden event. Contact Stephanie Borabora at (808) 734-8380 or Sharleen Heanu at (808) 696-6320. Cockett - The Cockett 'ohana has planned a long weekend
reunion on the island of Maui, August 29-31, 1997. Most activities are scheduled at the Veterans of Foreign War (V FW) Hall on Uluniu Road in Kihei. Festivities include a lū'au dedicated to Frances and Royal Vida of the Waikapu Cockett family, golf at Mōkena,
genealogy counseling and craft activities. A business meeting where new officers will be elected for three years will conclude the weekend. For more information, please eall Patti Cook at (808) 944-1750 or lrwin Cockett ot (808) 949-81 14.
Cup Choy/Tilton - A reunion is being held on the homestead in Kokomo, Makawao, Maui, on August 22 -24 for the descendants and friends of Chun & Amoi Cup Choy and the Tilton 'ohana. For more information please eall: David Cup Choy (808) 572-7208, Maui; Harold Cup Choy (808) 871-6593, Maui; Daisy Cup Choy Alina (808) 737-24 73, O'ahu. Kahanaoi/Pomaikai - A reunion will be held on Saturday, July 26, at Pōka'ī Bay Beach Park, Wai'anae, O'ahu, from 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. Potluck affair. Special recognition awards to our nō kūpuna will be presented plus other events. 'Ohana addresses/flyers will be mailed out. Phone contacts: Jeanne Kahanaoi (808) 833-9239, 0'ahu; Howard Kahanaoi (808) 961-4655, neighbor islands.
Kealanahele - The daughters of Sam Kulani and Susan Mauna will be having a Kealanahele Sisters' Reunion on O'ahu July 18-20. Be sure to bring your memory book and any mo'olelo you would like to share. For more information please eonw tact Abrigail Calina at (808) 964-1989 prior to the weekend event.
Aloha kekahi i kekahi. Makua Kalohi - We are searching for all descendants of M.K. Makua Kalohi. M.K. Makua Kalohi was born Feb. 10, 1876, in Ka'ū, Hawai'i and died Dec. 24, 1928, in Hōnaunau, Hawai'i. His first marriage was to "Hou" in Ka'ū in 1897 (it is unknown of any children from this
marriage). His second marriage was to Mary (Malia) Kaanana a.k.a. Kamaka of S. Kona in Honolulu on Nov. 28, 1914. Their four children are: Eugene Makua Kalohi, David Hanohano Kalohi, Sr., Elizabeth Kelekolio and Henry Makua Kalohi, Sr. A "'Ohana Reunion" is scheduled for August 9-10 in Waimōnalo, O'ahu. Any questions or for more information, please eall (808) 668-8977 or write: P.O. Box 29522 Honolulu, Hl 96820. Niihau - The descendants of Benjamin Makaena Niihau are having their reunion on the island of Hawai'i in Kailua-Kona on August 22-24, 1997. A potluck pienie is planned for this event and genealogy update is requested. Interested family members please eontact their island representative or Naomi on the island of O'ahu at
(808)682-4814. Tai/Tai Hook - The descendants of Fook Tai, his wife Malia Kalaipaa and their children, Rudolph Tai, William Tai, Henry Tai Hook, James Tai Hook, Randolph Tai, Eleanor Clark and Mary Lychee Haumea are preparing a "Family Gathering" on August 23-28 on Kaua'i at the YMCA in Hō'ena. If interested, please contact Nani Tai Hook: P.O. Box 60, , Hanalei, Hl 96714, or you ean leave a i message at (808) 828-20 16. Nihipali - A Nihipali 'ohana reunion is scheduled July 25-27 at Hau'ula Beach j Park. The main event is on Saturday, i July 26, starting at 7 a.m. Contact Shar- * lene at (808) 696-2664 or Eleanor at 1 (808)668-7871. j 1