Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 7, 1 July 1997 — Golf tournament fundraiser [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Golf tournament fundraiser
The Lanihuli Hawai- | ian Civic Club hosted the Kanaka Maoli Barefoot Golf Tournament Friday, I June 13, at The Links at ! Turtle Bay. The theme of the i tournament, "dress like i you live here," added the i lavalava flare. Gov. Ben Cayetano | and OHA Chairman | Clayton Hee were invited i among more than 80 i golfers, including Kali | Watson of the Departi ment of Hawaiian Lands, | Kimo Kahoano, Rep. i Colleen Meyer, Flip I McDiarmid of Hula ! Records, Frank Brandt of PBR Hawai'i, Jonathan Durrett of Stubenberg & Durrett, and Dan Ditto of Hawai'i Reserves, ine. The winning team: Toa Leiataua, Lilo Aiu, and Ben Pule.
Chairman Hee goes for an iron shot, as Dan Ditto watches, for the Lanihuli Hawaiian Civic Club scholarship program.