Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 6, 1 June 1997 — Preparing for 1998 Legislative watch for measures affecting Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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Preparing for 1998 Legislative watch for measures affecting Hawaiians

More than 4,000 bills were introduced during the 1997 legislative session. Of these bills, 11 were opposed by OHA and successfully held. They will carry over to next year's legislativē session. Measures, such as Senate Bill 8, that were held in a committee, will have the opportunity to be heard in the 1998 legislative session. In order for "carry over" measures to stay alive next session, a hearing must be scheduled by the committee in whieh it was held. OHA testified on 73 bills affecting Hawaiian issues. Of 62 bills supported by OHA, 14 were passed. The legislature passed nine percent of all bills into law. Listed below are bills whieh will carry over and may be of eoneem to the Hawaiian community. SB 8 SD1 RELATING TO LAND USE Companion: HB 1920 Introducer: Senator Randall Iwase Provides landowners assurance of title while preserving the rights of native Hawaiians to engage in customary and traditional practices. OHA Position: OPPOSE Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM) SB 168 SD 2 HD1 RELATING TO PRESERVATION OF ANTIQUITIES Companion: HB 361 Introducer: Senator Andrew Levin Bans the sale of antiquities removed from burial sites and archeological sites after the effective date of this Act, unless a right of possession ean be demonstrated. Establishes civil fines and criminal sanctions for violation. OHA Position: SUPPORT INTENT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Judiciary (JUD) SB 387 SD 1 MAK1NG AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE NĀNĀKULI HOMESTEAD CEMETERY Introducer: Senator James Aki Appropriates funds to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for the maintenance and upkeep of the Nanakuli Homestead cemetery.

OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM) SB 439 SD 1 MAKING AN APPROPRIAT!ON FOR THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE IMMERSION PROGRAM Companion: HB 439 Introducer: Senators Les Ihara, Mike McCartney Makes an appropriation to expand the Hawaiian language immersion program, Papahana Kaiapuni Hawaii, in grades K-12. OHA Position: SUPPORT INTENT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM) SB 1462 RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS Companion: HB 1795 lntroducer: Senator Norman Mizuguchi, by request Clarifies the basis for establishing a final fair market value for public trust lands already conveyed or to be conveyed to the Housing, Financing and Development Corporation (HFDC) for housing developments at Lahaina, Maui and Kealakehe, Hawai'i. OHA Position: OPPOSE Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Water, Land and Hawaiian Affairs (WLH) SB 1723 RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION OF MONIES FOR HAWAIIAN MEDIUM SCHOOLS ON KAUA'I AND ON HAWAI'I Companion: HB 2023 Introducer: Senator Lehua Fernandes Salling Appropriates funds to establish a six-year pilot program through the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for four Hawaiian language medium schools for Hawaiian-speak-ing children on the islands of Kaua'i and Hawai'i. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Education (EDU)

SB 1757 Senate draft 1 RELATING TO HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE EDUCATION Introducer: Senator Mālama Solomon Appropriates funds to Department of Education (DOE) to expand its Hawaiian Language Immersion Program through a six-year pilot project with OHA. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee Ways and Means (WAM) SB 1836 MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE IMMERSION PROGRAM Introducer: Senator Avery B. Chumbley Appropriates hmds to ensure the availabihty of instructional materials, teacher preparation, and adequate facihties for the Hawaiian language program. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Education (EDU) HB 307 RELATING TO NATIVE HAWAIIANS Introducer: Representatives Dennis A. Arakaki, Miehael P. Kahikina and Nathan Suzuki Requires that for the period 1/1/97 - 12/31/2002, 25 percent of the OHA public lands revenues be ahocated to the Department of Hawahan Home Lands for the purpose of developing infrastructure for Hawaiian Home Lands. OHA Position: OPPOSE Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW) HB 308 RELATING TO HO'OPONOPONO Companion: HB 2000, SB 1158 Introducer: Representative Dennis Arakaki Appropriates funds for a three-year Ho'oponopono Counseling Project administered by the Family Court of the First Judicial Circuit. Allows cases involving child custody and adult custody disputes to be*referred to a Haku utihzing the practice of Ho'oponopono. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW).

Ka Wai Ola o OHA

HB 426 RELATING TO CULTURE Introducer: Representative Tom Okamura, by request Provides for the establishment and support of a hula cultural center. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by House of Representative's Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW). HB 552 RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL LANDS Introducer: Representative Robert N. Herkes Requires a 10% reduction in the rents assessed by the State for agricultural lands and prohibits rent increases for a period of 5 years. OHA Position: OPPOSE Final Status: Held by House of Representative's Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW) HB 628 RELATING TO HEALTH Introducer: Representative Alexander C. Santiago Statutorily estabhshes statewide committee on HIV/AIDS within the Department of Health for administrative purposes. Confers certain powers to the eommittee. Appropriates $33,000 for fiscal year 1997 - 1998 and fiscal year 1998 - 1999 for the committee . OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Finance (FIN) HB 1313 RELATING TO HAWAIIAN SOVEREIGNTY Introducer: Representative Nathan Suzuki, by request Appropriates funds for eaeh year of the 1997 - 1999 fiscal biennium for the development of programs and educational materials to educate the general public about Hawaiian sovereignty and self-determination, provided that these education programs and education materials are developed through a purchase of service contract with Hui Na'auao. OHA Position: SUPPORT INTENT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW). HB 1530 MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE PROGRAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI'I AT HILO Introducer: Representative Jerry L. Chang Appropriates funds for the improvement of the Hawaiian language and Uterature program at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW). HB 1536 RELATING TO NATIVE HAWAIIAN CULTURAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Companion: HB 1546 Introducer: Representative David A.Tarnas Requires the review of impacts on native Hawaiian culture as part of the decision making process for any proposed aehon whieh requires an environmental impact statement. OHA Position: SUPPORT INTENT Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs Committee (HAW). HB 1920 RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY Companion: SB 8 Introducer: Representative Calvin K.Y. Say Determines and regulates the exercise of traditional and customary Hawaiian practices. OHA Position: OPPOSE Final Status: Held by House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs (HAW).

HB 2065 HD 3 RELATING TO HAWAIIAN SOVEREIGNTY Introducer: Representative Ed Case, by request Provides for the eleehon and convening of delegates and completion of a convention as called for by the Native Hawaiian vote. OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Held by Senate Committee on Water, Land and Hawaiian Affairs (WLH) Resolutions: House and Senate resolutions and concurrent resolutions, express the will of the legislature but they are not enforced by law. Resolutions do not carryover. OHA supported 22 concurrent resolutions and 15 Senate and House resolutions. The legislature adopted 8 concurrent resolutions and 12 Senate and House resolutions. The following resolutions may be of interest to the Hawaiian community. HCR 205 Title: Requesting the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to Urge Native Hawaiians to Participate in an Early Cancer Detection Program. Introducer: Representative Kenny Goodenow OHA Position: SUPPORT INTENT Final Status: Adopted by the House and Senate HCR 239 HD1 Title: Requesting Recognition and Designation of Surfing and Outrigger Canoe Racing as 01ympic Sports. Introducer: Representative Paul T. Oshiro OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Adopted by the House and Senate HCR 251 HD1 Title: Requesting an Outrigger Canoe Paddling Pilot Project for Hawaii's Secondary Schools. Introducer: Representative David D. Stegmaier OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Adopted by the House and Senate HCR 281 Title: Requesting the Preparation of a Long-range Financial and Operational Plan to Ensure the Development of the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program. Introducer: Representatives Bertha C. Kawakami, Ed Case OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Adopted by the House and Senate. HR 16 HD1 Title: Urging the Department of Health to Provide for Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service to the Hāna District in the Upcoming Maui County Ambulance Contract. Introducer: Representative Joseph M. Souki, By Request OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Adopted by the House. HR 121 HD1 Title: Requesting the establishment of a eom-munity-based, Cooperative Hawaiian Fishpond Restoration Project for Pearl Harbor. Introducer: Representative Nestor R. Garcia OHA Position: SUPPORT Final Status: Adopted by the House.

Ka Wai Ola o OHA