Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 6, 1 June 1997 — To ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
To ʻOhana Reunions
Akina — First 'ohana reunion: Auhana Akina: Frank, John, & Alexander Akina. i Aehuna Akina: Agnes, Eugina, James, I Judith, Cecilia (AWO), Charles Aehuna, I Edward, Florence (KERFOOT), Elaine (WFIITTLER), Winona (DAMIANO), & Albert Akina. Date: August 7, 8, & 9, l 1997, at Kihei, MAUI. Contact: Shem G. Kahawaii, Jr. (808) 879-2776; Flamby | Akina Kahawaii (808) 879-5383 (Maui), or (808) 885-3435 (Kamuela); Bonny Lynn Kahawaii Herbert (808) 874-8073; Lorri Ann Akina Howells (808) 879-5383. Note: Charles Aehuna Akina passed away March 28, 1997. Brown - The descendants of William Brown, his wife Mary Kauhane Brown and their children John Thomas Brown, Sr. and Benjamin Henry Brown, Sr., are preparing for a reunion to be held on July 3-6, 1997 on the Big lsland in Hilo. Included will be Thursday service at Haili Church, a Friday BBQ, a Saturday 10'au, and a Sunday pienie. We ask that all interested persons contact Alberta Nathaniel at (808) 935-4847 (days), or (808) 959-9865, or write to the Brown 'Ohana Reunion Committee at 29 Pohai Street. Hilo. Hl 96720. Helekunihi - We are searching for all descendants of Hazeleleponi Helekunihi. Born on March 13, 1861, on Hana, Maui. Father: Elia Helekunihi; mother: Loisa Keoahu; brother: Geresoma Helekunihi. If you are related to Hazeleleponi Helekunihi, please eontact Zannie Farias (808) 668-2444, or Bernice DeFreitas (808) 836-8847. We look forward to hearing from you. Ka'ahu - A Ka'ahu 'ohana reunion is being planned for August 15-17 in Hau'ula, O'ahu. We hop>e all children and their families of James Kaili'uli Ka'ahu, Sr. (1884-1940, Hōlawa, Moloka'i) and Libby Smith (1896-1963, Kaupō, Maui) will attend our very first gathering in Hau'ula. We would also like to eompile and make available to everyone a Ka'ahu genealogy book. Please contact Cedric Kanoa, P. O. Box 362, Hau'ula, Hl 96717, Phone: (808)
293-9545, or Chester Pahia (808) 2361072. Kahanaoi/Pomaikai - Reunion will be held on Saturday, July 26, at Pōka'i Bay Beach Park, Wai'anae, O'ahu, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Potluck Affair. Special recognition awards to our kūpuna will be presented, plus other events. 'Ohana addresses/flyers will be mailed out. Phone contacts: Jeanne Kahanaoi (808) 833-9239, O'ahu; Howard Kahanaoi (808) 961-4655, neighbor islands. Kua'ana - 1 am Lon Strong (Kua'ana) Piniol. I am seeking members of the Kua'ana family. Joseph Kahulamu Kua'ana was my grandfather from Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. He married Mary Kanoho Kuahiwi Kuai from Puna, Hawai'i. They had (3) children, Daniel, Fannie, and Hannah. I'm having a hdrd time finding any records of the Kuai 'ohana who married into the Mo'okini 'ohana from Maui. I am doing genealogy work and would appreciate any information. Please send information to: Lori Strong (Kua'ana) Piniol, 806A Factory St., Honolulu. Hl 96819, or eall (808) 845-5475. Lahapa - The family of Lahapa(w) will be holding their 7th 'Aha Nā 'Ohana on July 18-20 at 91-303 Pāpipi Road, 'Ewa Beach, O'ahu, with camping facilities for those interested. Lahapa was the youngest daughter of Pahukula and Kahunaole of Honaunau, South Kona, Hawai'i. Her brothers and sisters were Keli'ikinolua(k), Palakiko(k), Kilikina(w), Kelekokio(k), Kelpolo(k) and Pa'u(w). There is one surviving mo'opuna of Lahapa, Anna Jenny (Hatori) Manoi of Kalāheo, Kaua'i. Come meet our kūpuna while spending a weekend of fun, food and fellowship. Please contact one of the following for more information. O'ahu: Daisy (Hatori) Sherwood (808) 236-2406; Andrei Soto (808) 396-0528; or Manasey Hatori (808) 537-1482. Kaua'i: Gladys (Hatori) Onishi (808) 245-6087. Hawai'i: Luana (Saffery) Beck (808) 969-1201 .
v w w m w w Maunu - Descendants of Herbert Kaho'oulualoha Maunu are hosting this first time NQ Maunu 'Ohana reunion. It will be held on August 1516, 1997 on O'ahu at the famous Pagoda Hotel (Toll Free dial 1-800-472-4632) for reservation. We "Aloha" the extended 'ohana Keawe-Maunu and Samuel H. Maunu
who are in the mainland, neighbor
islands and from the utmost parts of the world. Registration will start from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Programs will be only in the evening from 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. Plan to eome and have lots of fun. Direct all inquiries to Project Coordinators: Maraea Maunu Yniques, (808) 6782098 O'ahu and Minnie Maunu Felieiano (808) 889-5207, P. O. Box 1480, Kapa'au, Hl 96755. Opunui - Our annual Opunui reunion will be held on August 2, 1997 at Sand lsland Camp site. The descendants of: Opunui-Moana-Gonsalves-Kaeo-Ka 'ai 'ai; Opunui-Kaniho-Coggeshall-Naehuelua-Koani-lwiula-Hosea; Opunui-Kahai-Hakuole-Likua-Kamae, and to our extended 'ohana, weleome!!! For more information please contact Patsy Chu (808) 839-1756, or
w w m w w w w u; Aliee Green- : wood (808) 668•j 8751 (after 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday after 8:30 p.m.). Pali - The descendants of the Reverend Adam Pali and Pa'ao'ao Kila Poholopu and their
children: Philip Pa'ao'ao Pali, Lilia Pali, Lizzie Pali, Mary Kawahine Haole Ho'okiehe Pali and Laura Pali will get together for a family reunion with a potluck pienie at) Kokololio Beach Park, formerly CYO Hau'ula O'ahu, Saturday, July 12 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 'Ohana members will be updating the genealogy. Bring your family pictures and genealogy papers to share. Extended 'ohana include: Ako, Andrade, Antone, Aubum, Barboza, Bright, Fairman Goldstone,.Gomes, Kakalia, Kalepa, » Kalilikane, Mitchell, Salanoa, Salvadorif, Smith, Spencer, Werner and Wong. For more information contact Barbara Kalilikane Andrade Tachibana at (808) 293-1618.
Ka Wai Ola o OHA