Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 6, 1 June 1997 — Iune Calendar of Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Iune Calendar of Events

Juhe 1 - Walk On The Wet Side Join a guided hike with The Nature Conservancy and Haleakalō National Park through native 'ōhi'a-koa cloud forest on Sunday, from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. strenuous three mile hike through wet & muddy terrain at high elevation. Meet at Hosmer Grove parking lot, in Haleakalō National Park. Bring a snack, water, sunscreen, rain gear, binoculars, camera, and shoes with good traction. Park entrance fee is $4 per car. Jt*he 7 - "Creative Ticket for Student Success" Arts Excellence Awards Willie K., Tony Conjugacion and John Cruz will perform at Hawai'i Theatre Center for an arts-filled evening to support arts in education on Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Tickets range from $26 for adults, $4 for 18 & under, and $6 for HAAE members. Call the Hawai'i Theatre Center at 528-0506. For event information, eall the Hawai'i Allianee for Arts Educa-

tion ot 942-4708. Ju**e 7 - "Talk Story/Draw Story", Honolulu Academ^ Keiki-Parent Activity tours are art enrichment programs for children ages 6-12 accompanied by an adult. Admission is FREE and includes refreshments. No prior reservations are required. Meet at the Bere tania Street entrance of the Academy of Arts, Saturday, promptly at 10 a.m. Ju*%e 1t> - After Dark In The Park, "Mo'o Kuauhau o Hawai'i: Hawaiian Genealogies." Edith McKinzie, Hawaiian language 8c culture consultant, will discuss the dynastic period of Hawaiian history when high ali'i established lineages culminating in the Kamehameha monarchy. Tuesday, 7 p.m. At Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. 7wh« 11 - O'ahu Ancient Hawaiian Ways Celebrate Kamehameha Day with your family as we discover how the ancient Hawaiians lived with nature. Wednesday, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Reservations required. For more infor mation eall the Hawai'i Nature Center at 955-0100. Juhe 15-1$ - lndigenous Perspectives in Forestry Education Workshop Participants from around the world will eome together to create a working network to foster communication and support, and a resource guide for adding lndigenous perspectives to forestry education. For more information

http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/firstnat/workshop.html or contact: plackett@unixg. ubc.ca 7hh« - Nā Mele o Hawai'i In celebration of their latest hit release Retrospective, Nā Leo Pilimehana will be performing from their catalog of songs that span a decade of favorite musi?;al memories. Cost: $12, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. For more information eall the Honolulu Academy of Arts at 5328700. 7hh« 5f & Welburn Summer Gourd Fest, DeLuz, California (San Diego County). Held at the Welburn Gourd Farm, the largest supplier of quality gourds in the United States. Gates open 9 a.m. through dusk; parking $2 per car per day. For additional information including hotels at special festival prices please eall: The Welburn Gourd Farm Office 619-728-0269, or Fax: 619-728-4271. Free Admission.

Juhe - After Dark In The Park, "Explore Kilauea" Now a new interactive ' CD-ROM, Explore Kiiauea Voicano, Living Land of Hawai'i offers three-dimensional virtual tours of the volcano. Producers Miehael Kuetemeyer and Anula Shetty of Firework Studio will discuss the process of creating interactive media and demonstrate the range of options available through computer technology. Tuesday, 7 p.m., at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Juue ilf tAiouiA Zct1c»(ci 58 - Hawai'i and its People A pictorial heritage of Hawai'i. Selected works from this eolleetion are on display in the Graphics Arts Gallery. This installation will feature works i of art that were created during the late 1 8th and 1 9th century by voyaging artists who visited Hawai'i. General Admission $5; seniors, students & military $3; for members and children under 12 "no charge". The Academy of Arts Museum is FREE to the public on the first Wednesday of the month. Juhe 5? - O'ahu Pahole Natural Area Reserve Hike - Ken Suzuki, Hike through secluded parts of the Wai'anae Moun-

tains. See uneommon and rare species of plants and tree snails in this dry forest habitat. Moderate, 5 miles/6 hours. $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Reservations required. For more information eall the Hawai'i Nature Center at 955-0100. luhe 5? & 59 - 1997 Native Hawaiian Education Summit A vision for an educated, healthy, productive and safe native Hawaiian community. The philosophy of this summit is based on some very simple beliefs that parallel school/community based management. The summit will be held at Kapi'olani Community College in the 'Ohi'a Bldg. The deadline to register is June 20 or delivered to the UH Conferenee Center at the College of Continuing Education anel Community Service (Sakamaki C401) by June 25. The registration fee is $10 Please direct all registration inquiries to: UH Conference Center at 808-956-8204.

Ka Wai Ola o OHA

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