Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 6, 1 June 1997 — Nā hua ʻŌlelo hou [ARTICLE]
Nā hua ʻŌlelo hou
Words from Hale Kuamo'o and 'Aha Pūnana Leo's publication of new Hawaiian words, Māmaka Kaiao, New Hawaiian words are created by the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee made up of six Hawaiian Language professors who meet onee or twice every month. Addendums to Māmaka Kaiao will be published yearly containing newer words. awe ō-ewe kikino Chromosome. lit., gene thread. a'a - lolo kikino Nerve. Dic. ana wela kikino / hamani Thermometer; to take the temperature of. Dic.llit., measure heat. See anu, mahana, mehana, wela, kēkelē. ani-au kikino Climate. lit„ air movement (over) time. Cf. Anilā. Aniau hāiki. Microclimate. lit. Restricted climate. huli-honua kikino Geology. Dic, sp. Var huli- Scientific study of, - ology, with no specific intent to influence change. Dic., ext. mng. Cf. Kālai-, kilo. ho'okāwaihia hamani to hydrolyze. Comb. ho'o- +kā +wai +hia. Ka ho'okāwaihia 'ana HydoIysis. hō'īpale hamani To insulate. Comb. hō- +'īpale. See 'īpale. Hanu respiration; respiratory. Dic., ext. mng. See lā'au make hanu. 'Onaehana hanu. Respriratory System. hāpela i'oa Hubble. Eng. Ka 'ohenānā lewa lipo 'o Hāpela. Hubble space telescope. ikehu kikino Energy, power. Sh. Ika + ehu. Ikehu nukelea. Nuclear energy. Kaikana i'oa Titan, a moon of Saturn. Eng. kaia-ola kikino Ecosystem. Comb. Kaia-+ola. See Kalaikaiaola. lī-oho kikino Algae, general term. Sh. Limu + oho. lātoma kikino Moleeule. Sh. lā- [as in lāhui, lālei] + 'ātoma. ōewe kikino Gene; genetic. Comb. ō + ēwe Cf. welo. See awe ōewe. Lit = literally; dic.= dictionary; ext. mng.= extended meaning; kikino = eommon noun; hehele= intransitive verb; hamani= transitive verb.