Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 5, 1 Mei 1997 — Hee 's new OHA board committees [ARTICLE]
Hee 's new OHA board committees
i Under Chairman Clayton Hee's new eomi mittees, the biggest changes appear to be breaking off policy from the old Budget, Finance and Policy Committee, and creating a l new committee on Policy & Planning. Also new is a Committee on Program Management, and gone are the old committees on Education & Culture, Health & Human Services and Eeonomie Development and Housing to be subsumed under a new committee on Program Management. His changes were adopted by the board, after two readings. All six committees are chaired by supporters of Hee, but new trustees i serve as vice chairs of three of the committees.
Abraham Aiona, who has led the Budget, Finance & Policy Committee, is Hee's ehoiee to continue as chair of the Budget & Finance Committee. Aiona has announced he will not seek reelection to the OHA board in 1998. A. Frenchy DeSoto continues as chair of the important Legislative Review Committee and Rowena Akana takes charge of the Committee on Land and Sovereignty. To negotiate on entitlements, Hee has named himself, Aiona and Billie Beamer. Beamer is also chair of the new proposed Committee on Policy & Planning and Moses Keale chair of the Committee on Program Management.