Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1997 — Gathering for peacemaking continues [ARTICLE]
Gathering for peacemaking continues
Ho'omalu ma Kualoa, a second gathering of Hawaiians to reach unity on Hawaiian sovereignty, is planned April 18-20 at Kualoa Regional Park. Coordinator Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i said all Hawaiians are invited to the weekend unity gathering to continue a dialogue to forge understanding and agreement, healing, trust and commitment to shared principles. "We hope everyone will eome," Kamali'i said. "We will listen to all mana'o (thoughts, opinions) brought forward." "Ho'omalu Elua," is based on the idea of "ho'omalu: to bring under the care and protection of, to rule over, govern, make peaee between warring parties; to preside, as at a meeting." A number of Hawaiian organizations whieh have differed strongly in the past on issues related to Hawaiian sovereignty and Hawaiian rights are sharing in the planning and expenses. A previous gathering held Feb. 7-9 drew 560 participants. Expenses for rental of meeting tents, sound system and portable toilets ran to about $1,600. Contributions by participants raised ābout $2,000, said Kamali'i, so there is some "seed money" to begin to cover expenses of the second unity gathering. In addition to a main tent, several smaller tents will be rented, she said, to provide more space for participants, and additional areas for meetings. A letter is being sent to a list of organizations and families who previously participated, to invite their participation and donations in any amount. "Last time, we did a process of agreeing to agree on some issues," Kamali'i said. "This time we will have the opportunity to go back to refine the palapala 'aelike (eonsensus statement). We will also discuss the things not agreed upon at the last Ho'omalu, such as election of delegates to a Hawaiian eon-eon, ceded lands, ali'i trusts." A master camping permit has been obtained. Those
who plan to eamp during the weekend should register with Kamah'i, preferably in advance, to allow assignment of camping sites. A registration fee of $2 is requested of all participants, regardless of whether they plan to eamp or not. Meals are the responsibility of individual participants, their family group or organization. For information about Ho'omalu Elua ma Kualoa, or to register or make donations, contact Klna'u Boyd Kamali'i at 941-4946.
Ho'omalu 'Elua ma Kualoa — April 18 & 19