Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 4, 1 April 1997 — Timing not good for state con-con in same year as Hawaiian meet [ARTICLE]

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Timing not good for state con-con in same year as Hawaiian meet

By Kelli Meskin "We need to get pro-Hawaiian delegates elected to the state constitutional convention," said Scotty Bowman, OHA's Govemment Affairs Officer. The state eoneon is planned for 1998.'

Bowman said a state constitutional eonvention held in 1999 or 2000 would make more sense. "That would give us more time to resolve issues and get people educated," Bowman said. The Hawaiian constitutional convention is also planned for 1998. OHA Trustee Frenchy DeSoto has expressed great eoneem over this constitutional convention being held at a time when Hawaiian rights are often challenged. "The on going hostile attitude toward native Hawaiians and Hawaiian rights on the part of many influential people in Hawaii," DeSoto said, ". . ., has already resulted in serious efforts to reduce Hawaiian gains made in recent years." The state constitutional convention may be held at the same time as the Hawaiian constitutional convention. The amended house bill 119, relating to a state constitutional convention in 1998, crossed over to the Senate where it will be passed or killed.

House Bill 2065, relating to Hawaiian sovereignty and a Hawaiian constitutional convention, moved out of the House of Representatives to the Senate for action. See story, paee A6.

Hā Hawai'i plans to have an election of delegates in November 1997 and to begin the Hawaiian constitutional convention in January 1998. Davianna McGregor of Hā Hawai'i. said she worried about the difficulty of Hawaiian delegates working to protect Hawaiian rights in the state constitutional convention while others are working to establish a new govemment in the Hawaiian constitutional eonvention. "Onee the Hawaiian eon-eon delegates are elected and when they convene is up to them," McGregor said. They could interact with the state constitutional convention and be acknowledged as a sovereign entity in formation, she said. The Hawai'i Government Employees Association has filed suit against the state challenging the Attomey Generals decision to hold a state constitutional convention. That will have to be determined before a j state eon-eon is held. ■

1999 or 2000 better for state eon-eon