Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1997 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
YSSIFiEDS*CLASSIFiE .L»TRADE*BUY»SELLC SiF!EDS*CLASSiFiEBU Learn to grow taro, sweet potato, and other Hawaiian crops. For books on these crops, eall 533-0391 , (Fax: 7340561), manrique@lava.net (email). Homeowners! Save BIG BUCKS on interest charges, reduce years on TERM, build equity faster. Call Mortgage & Loan Reduction Hawai'i. FREE Savings Analysis (808) 732-5885. Poi air mailed fresh - 2 lbs. thick vacuum seaied $11, any occasion (808) 689-7234. (808) 689-0992, Fax: (808) 689-3195. Dry fish available 91-305 'Ewa Beach Rd., 'Ewa Beach, Hl 96706.