Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1997 — OHA BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ARTICLE]
Clayton Hee Chabnan & Trustee, O'ahu Abraham Aiona | Vick-ChOji & Trustee, Maui R6wena Akana TrustebAt-Large Eillie Beamer | trus~ee-At-Large A. lrenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Haunani Apoliona | Trustee-A t-Large Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee, Kauep & Niifhau ■ Hannah Kihalani Springer Colette Pi'i'pi'i Machado /vfa ' Trustees Elect ADMINISTRATION Linda Colburn Admlnistrator , ■ Sesnita A. Moepono Deputy Admirust'ator Martha Ross wL. — . Deputy Administrator Pubilshed by the Offlce of Hawallan Affalrs Publlc lnfomnatlon Offlce . 1 Deborah Lee Ward Pubi:cattons Specialist Kelli Meskin Barbra An Pleadwell rubiications Editors Ka Wal Ola O OHA \a "The Living Water of OHA" Published monthly by the Offlce of Hawallons Affalrs, 711 KapPolanl Boulevard, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawal'i 96813. īelephone: 594-1888 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 594-1865. E-mall: oha0aloha.net. Wortd Wlde Web address ls http://planet-hawall.com/oha. Clrculatlon is 67,000 coples, 60,000 of whieh are distributed by mait. 7XC0 are distrlbuted through lsland offlces, state and county offices, prtvate and eommunity agencies and target grōups and nc6viduals. Ka Wai Ola O OHA is printed by RFD Pub ications. Infc. Hawaiian fonts are provided by Coconut lr-fo. Advertislng in Ka Wai Ofd O OHA does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by . the Office of Hawai'an Affairs. Graphics are from Cttck Hawgiiani>;Art, h 1996 Varez/CI. Ka Wai Ola O OHA is publlshed by the Office of Hawailan Affairs to heip..inforrWK its Hawaiian beneficiaries and:dther interested parties about Hawallan issues and acttvities, and OHA programs and etforts. : Notice to Readers: Ka Wai Ola O OHA wlll accept for conslderatlon contributed news releases and letters to the edltor on toplcs of relevance and interest to OHA and natlve v Hawaiians, as well as caiendar event and reunion notices. Ka Wal Ola O OHA reserves the right to edlt all matertal for length and content, or not to publish as avallable space or other consideratlons may require. Ka Wai Ola O OHA policy ls not to accept unsoliclted manuscripts. Deadlines are strictly observed. A copy of the newspaper is mailēU eaeh month to the oidest registered OHA voter at eaeh address. to be shared by the household. To keep receiv:ng Ka Wai Oia O OHA, please remember to yote in eaeh election. Our mailing list is based on the OHA voter l!sts and when the City and ■ County clerks purge the list of non-voters, our list is also affected. Mahalo! For advertising rates and information, eall OHAat 594-1980. © 1996 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.