Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1997 — He Mau Hanana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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He Mau Hanana

T<>m h*y <1 - "Nā Mea Makamae: Treasures of Hawai'i" A hands-on encounter with the most precious, rarely seen treasures of Hawai'i and the Pacific drawn from the world-renowned collection of Bishop Museum. Castle Memorial Building, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For information eall 847-3511. ««>. 2-50 - Kama'āina Artist Warren Stenberg Art show opening Sunday Mar. 2, 1-3 p.m. at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens. Guest sculptor, Andrew (Analu) Manoa, pōhaku hana no'eau, M«>. 5 - Hawaiian Language instructor & eomposer Keoni lnciong of Kaua'i wiil present songs relating to sovereignty, St. Michael's Church in Lihu'e at 7 p.m. M*>. 9 - Papali Trail Hike on well-graded loop for special views of the Hau'ula coastline. Novice, 3 miles/3 hours. $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Reservations required. Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«>. 10 - Awana Salazar of 0'ahu's North Shore, multi-talented songbird blessed with a very beautiful voice is a guitarist, composer, recording artist, Hawaiian princess, and longtime steel guitar student of Jerry Byrd. She'll be at St. Michael's Church in Lihu'e, 7 p.m. M«>. 11 - After Dark In The Park " What it Means to be Endangered." Fish and Wildlife biologist Marie Bruegmann will show slides of some of Hawai'i lsland's newly listed endangered plants. She will also demystify the Endangered Species Act and explain its effect on you and your neighbors. Tuesday, at 7 p.m., Kilauea Visitors Center Auditorium. M«>. fS - Wahiawa Hills Hike Challenging, 5 miles/6 hours. $5 for members/$7 for nonmembers. Reservations required. Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«>. 16 - Rolling Stones anel Sweet Potatoes Learn about the ancient art of working stone. Make your own 'ulu maika game stone, and hike to see Pu'u 'Ualaka'a, the "hili of rolling sweet potatoes." For ages 5 and up. 9:30 - 1 1 :30 a.m. $5 for members/$7 for non-mem-bers. Reservations required. Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«>. n - Kū Kahakalau of the Big lsland is a Hawaiian language poet, lyricist, and teacher. She wrote the words to "Pi'imai Ka Nalu," a "surf" song whieh is on her sister Robi's record, "Sistah Robi." St. Michael's Church in Līhu'e, 7 p.m. M «. 19-W - 'Aha Hana Lima (Gathering of Crafts) Hawai'i Craftsmen's annual workshop series includes a slide lecture, an exhibition at the Honolulu Advertiser Gallery and a three-day workshop. The slide lecture is Mar. 20, 7 p.m,, at the Honolulu Academy of Arts Theater. The three-day workshop will be Mar.

22-24, 9 a.m, to 4 p.m., sites still pending. Call (808) 5968128 for more information. M *■>. 22 - Kealia Trail Hike Soar with the

gliders as you switchback up the side of the Wai'anae Range above Dillingham Airfield. Discover natives of the dryland forest such as 'a'ali'i and wiliwili and search for the elusive Keālia peacocks. Challenging, 5 miles/5 hours. $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Reservations required. Cali Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«. 25 - Taro Paleh Party There's really nothing like working in a taro patch! Learn about kalo and its importance to Hawaiian culture. 9:30 - 11 :30 a.m. $5 for members/$7 for nonmembers. Reservations required. Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«. 2</ - Miehael Barretto of Hanapēpē, is a composer, vocalist, guitarist, and plays 'ukulele with the Taj Mahal Hawaiian band. He'll perform at St. Michael's Church in Lihu'e, 7 p.m. He has also written a play that wiil be performed at the Līhu'e Parish Hall in Apnl. M«. 25 - "Mo'olelo o Kapāpala" The traditional Hawaiian trail to the top of Mauna Loa was through Kapāpala, Kamehameha's ahupua'a in Ka'O. Join park ranger Leianuenue Reveira and her kupunawahine (grandmother) Api Kanaka'ole Oliviera to leam more about the rich history of this cattle ranch and its people. Tuesday, at 7 p.m., Kīlauea Visitors Center

» * Auditorium. M<»>. 26 - Wet and Wild Water Study the water cycle and water's erosional powers with hands-on models that promise to intrigue and delight! Explore how water carves valleys and creates habitat for many Hawaiian creatures. For hydrologists 6-10 years old. 9:30-

1 1 :30 a.m. $5 for members/$7 for non-mem-bers. Reservations required. Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M«>. 2?-sr - "Celebration ot the Arts" Hawai'i's original hands-on arts and cultural festival — retums to The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua for the fifth year, Easter weekend, Mar. 28-30, The public ean experience the Hawaiian culture through workshops in hula and chant, feather art, lauhala weaving, and more. Activities are scheduled 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. all week. For additional information and reservations, please contact a travel professional or The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua at (808) 669-6200 or toll free (808) 262-8440. M*>. 29 - Archeology of Makiki Valley Join our staff archeologist in a hands-on discovery of pre-historic and historic Makiki Valley. For budding-archeologists 8 and up. 1 :30 - 4 p.m. $5 for members/$7 for non-members. Reservations required, Call Hawai'i Nature Center 955-0100. M*>. 5f - llima Rivera of Kaua'i, winner in the professional category of the 1996 Kaua'i Composer's Contest, has a CD called "Love on Lumaha'i", daughter of Larry Rivera, she is active in volunteer work in the community.