Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1997 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
For the ftrst time tn more than a hundred years, Hawaiians have taken a stand and have spoken out in favor of taking a giant step toward sovereignty. On September 11, 1996. the results of "The Native Hawaiian Vote" were announced. Hawaiians voted overwhelmingly to elect delegates to propose a Native Hawaiian government. Finally, the door is open for our people to work together to develop a model of sovereignty that will benefit all Hawaiians for generations to eome. In spite of a precipitous decline in populahon, cultural dislocation and massive alienalion of lands, Hawaiians maintained their native self-government until 1893, when the United States forced the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani. The Hawaiian people never formally relinquished their sovereignty nor their title to the Crown Lands. It is this struggle to regain this autonomy and these lands that will unite our people in their efforts towards sovereignty. The formulation of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Committee, plus President Clinton's 1993 formal apology whieh acknowledges the illegal overthrow, the existence of a clearly delineated Native Hawaiian land trust and the responsibility of the federal government to provide restimtion to a sovereign Hawaii, coupled with: a recent decision rendered by U. S. District Court Judge David Ezra, whieh rules that the U. S. Government and the State of Hawaii must begin proceedings to rectify past damages to Hawaiians, puts all Hawaiians on the path of nation-building consistent with the intemational ground swell of support for the self-determination of small countries and Native American tribes. In order to understand the current situation, readers must be aware of the histoty whieh preceded the overthrow. Miehael Dougherty, author of To Steal A Kingdom, has written a book that has become required reading for anyone who is serious about understanding the historical basis of today's Hawaiian sovereignty movement. Curious readers wondering why Hawaiians are so angry with the government of the United States ean find the answers in To Steal A Kingdom. The prestigious Joumal of Ameiiean History acclaimed it, the University of Hawaii - Manoa, Hawaii's community colleges and Ameiiean universities use it as a textbook. To Steal A Kingdom is a 46-month Hawaiian best seller. Rowena Akana, Tmstee Office of Hawaiian Affairs Dcccmbcr 1 996 Autographed copies post paid $15.00 lsland Styie Press PO Box 296, Waimanalo, Hl 96795