Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1997 — OHA Updates [ARTICLE]

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OHA Updates

OHA grants benefit the entire community

Projects ranging from expanding education opportumties for Hawaiian students through scholarships and innovative resources to documenting ulua fishing, preserving eultural practices and restoring sacred sites will receive funding from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) this fiscal year. "These grants benefit the Hawaiian eommunity as well as the larger Hawai'i eommunity," says Clayton Hee, Board of Trustees Chairman. "The grants program demonstrates a partnership between OHA and the community to

Culture Kalapana Community Organization Community Development Pacific Friends of Kahana Ho'oulu Ke Ola o Nā Pua Na Aikane o Pu'ukoholā Heiau Education East-West Center, CTAPS Program Kailua & Wai'anae High Schools Nānākuh Complex Schools Health & Human Services Hilo Gymnastics Club Eeonomie Development HIACC Moloka'i Livestock Cooperative Land & Natural Resources Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. Hui Mālama i Nā Kūpuna o Hawai'i Ne

colle'ctively improve and expand our economy, our educational opportunities, cultural resources, health services, and environmental preservation efforts." Ten grants were approved by OHA's Board of Trustees last month and 13 grants have been awarded so far for the 1996-97 fiscal year, totalling $619,760.10. The grants are administered by OHA's Grants, Subsidies, Purchase of Services and Donations Program. For information about the program eall 594-1888.

Video documenting ulua fishing Post-production costs - Ho'oku'ikahi video Huilua fishpond restoration Enrichment workshops for Kaua'i kūpuna Travel and workshop expenses Polynesia trip for Hawaiian teachers E Kuha i ka Nu'u expansion Instahation of Loeal Area Networks Scholarships for Hawaiian students Master Plan for Agricultural Community Equipment for new slaughterhouse Hawaiian Home Lands Project Community sacred site restoration

$ 19,262.00 50,000.00 24,000.00 15,080.00 4660.00 $113,002.00 $ 43,240.00 79,969.00 105,000.00 $228,209.00 $19,050.00 $50,000.00 75,000.00 $125,000.00 $106,499.10 i $ 28,000.00 $134,499.10

*OHA funding to match DOE funding not to exceed $200,000.