Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 March 1997 — Legislative bills SUPPORTED and OPPOSED by OHA [ARTICLE]
Legislative bills SUPPORTED and OPPOSED by OHA
HB 1 19 HDti1 OPPOSE - Relating to a Constitutional Convention - Provides for constitutional convention including: election of delegates; convening of convention; salaries, allowanee, and powers of delegates. HB 129 HD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Parent Community Network Centers - Establishes the par-ent-community networking center program and clarifies its objectives HB 442 HD1 SUPPORT INTENT - Relating to Education - Establishes the Office of Early Childhood Education within the Department of Education HB 551 HD1 OPPOSE - Relating to Agricultural Lands - Prohibits increases in agricultural lease rents HB 617 HD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Children Born to Parents Not Married to Eachother - Replaces term "illegitimate child" with "chiid born to parents not married to eaeh other" HB 628 SUPPORT - Relating to Health - Establishes statewide committee on HIV/AIDS within the Department of Health for administrative purposes. Confers certain powers to the committee. HB 865 SUPPORT - Making an Appropriation for a Mentor Teacher Program - Appropricrtes funds for a mentor teacher program. HB 967 SUPPORT - Relating to Ocean Recreation Management - Details types of permits the Department of Land and Natural Resources may issue for oeean use activities in Kane'ohe Bay pursuant to the Kane'ohe Bay Master Plan HB 1 100 SUPPORT - Relating to the Board of Trustees for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs - Amends the composition of the Board of Trustees for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to eight members elected, based on residency and one member elected At-Large HB 1 104 SUPPORT - Relating to Hawaiian Affairs - Creates the Hui 'lmi Advisory Council within the Department of Accounting and General Services implement the Hui 'lmi Task Force Report. HB 1338 SUPPORT INTENT - Relating to Public Assistance - Creates a transitional benefits ("bridge to hope") program for welfare single mothers with a chitd under 1 6 beyond time limits for the reciept of welfare. Assistance for child care, housing and QUEST coverage. HB 1857 HD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims - Extends the life of the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust lndividual Claims Review HB 2065 HD2 SUPPORT - Relating to Hawaiian Sovereignty - Provides for the election and eonvening of delegates calied for by the Native Hawaiian Vote - HB 2207 HD2 OPPOSE - Relating to the Public Land Trust - Changes the amount of revenue from the public land trust to be expended by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for the betterment of native Hawaiians from 20% to an unspecified amount of such revenue. (See front page story for more details.) SB 8 OPPOSE - Relating to Land Use -Provides landowners assurance of title while preserving the rights of native Hawaiians to engage in customary and traditional practices. SB 387 SD1 SUPPORT- Making an Appropriation for the Nanakuu Homestead Cemetery - Appropriates $76,020 to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for fhe maintanance and upkeep of the Nanakuli Homestead cemetery
SB 426 SD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Culture - Provides for the establishment and support of a hula cultural center SB 439 SD1 SUPPORT INTENT- Making an Appropriation for the Hawaiian Language ImmersionMakes an appropriation to expand the Hawaiian language immersion program, Papahana Kaiapuni Hawai'i, in grades K-12 SB 919 SD1 SUPPORT 1NTENT - Making an Appropriation for Learning Opportunity Academies - Appropriation to the DOE for the initiation of learning opportunity academies on O'ahu and the neighbor islands SB 947 SD1/ HB 2001 SUPPORT - Relating to the Statewide Preschool Open Doors Early and Child Care Program- Establishes the statewide preschool open doors early childhood education and child care program. SB 1 180 SUPPORT - Relating to Task Force For Hawailan Services - Establishes the Hui Imi Advisory Council made up of 1 7 initial member organizations and plaee in DAGS for administrative purposes. SB 1346 SD1 SUPPORT - Making an Appropriation for the Parent-Community Networking Centers - Appropriates $1,087,000 for fiscal years 19971998 and 1998-1999 for the Parent-Community Networking Centers SB 1631 SD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Early Childhood Education - Recognizes a public and private partnership between the State and a private, non-profit corporation created as a focal point for policy development and dedicated to enchancing early childhood education and care services. SB 1638 SUPPORT - Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Budget - Appropriates funds for fhe 1997-1998 fiscal biennium for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs SB 1640 SUPPORT - Relating to the Board of Land and Natural Resources - Adds a representative of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to be an at-large member of the Board of Land and Natural Resources SB 1683 SUPPORT - Relating to a Hawaiian Language College - Establishes a Hawaiian language college at UH-Hilo. SB 1 748 SUPPORT - Making an Appropriation for the Home Hemodialysis Program - Appropriates $120,000 for FY 97-98 to DOH for the continuation of the home hemodialysis program on Moloka'i and Lāna'i SB 1757 SD1 SUPPORT - Relating to Hawaiian Language Education - Appropriates funds to DOE to expand its Hawaiian Language lmmersion Program through a six-year pilot project with OHA SB 1874 SD1 SUPPORT- Relating to Welfare to Work Transition Assistance- Requires the Department of Human Service, assisted by the Department of Labor and lndustrial Relations, to develop and implement various welfare-to-work systems, processes, programs and plans SB 1875 SUPPORT - Making an Appropriation for the Payment of Damages for Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims- Appropriates funds for payments of monetary damages to claimants whose claims have been adjudicated by the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust lndividual Claims
For more information on these bills anel others, please eall the Legislative lnformation Systems Office at 587-0700.
Eye on the Le?islature