Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1997 — Alu Like consolidates Honolulu services at Kawaiahaʻo Plaza [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Alu Like consolidates Honolulu services at Kawaiahaʻo Plaza
This month, Alu Like, ine. is consolidating its Honolulu service offices into one location at Kawaiaha'o PIaza, 567 S. King Street, with convenient adjacent parking. Enter from Mission Lane off of South Street. Alu Like holds a five-year lease from Bishop Estate. Haunani Apohona, OHA Trustee At-large and former Alu Like president and chief executive officer said the move reahzes a long held dream to consolidate Alu Like services into one location. Services sharing ground floor Suite 105 (ph. 524-1225) will include: • Hawai'i Computer Training Center • Business Development Center • Elderly Services Project • O'ahu Island Representative (Multi-service center project) • Offender/Ex-Offender project Services sharing fourth floor Suite 400 include: • Alu Like administration •, Employment and Training Program • Native Hawaiian Vocational Education Project • Native Hawauan Library Project Alu Like's new location is one block away from Office of Hawaiian Affairs Honolulu offices at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suites 500 and 1200.
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(presented by Ka Wai Ola o OHA and Alu Like as a public service)
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1997 is the 22nd anniversary year of Alu Like, ine. whieh has consolidated its O'ahu programs at the Multi-lsland Service Center at Kawaiaha'o Plaza, 567 S. King St.