Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1997 — ʻOhana Reunions.... [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions....
Akiu-Kalu - Descendants of Charles Akiu, Jr. and Lena Kalu of Kamaoa, Ka'ū, Hawai'i, are planning a first-time family reunion on July 1 1 , 12 andl3, at Punalu'u, Ka'ū, Hawai'i. Children of this marriage are: Henry, Lourisa, Charles Jr., Mary (Pua) Julia, Fidelia, and Adelaide Akiu. They were all born at Ka'ū. The planning committee is anxious to hear from the descendants for any input and addresses, to build a mailing list for information, Please contact either: Roberta Almeida Soares, P.O. Box 1253, Kailua,
nuwui i yo/ao, rnone azo7350; or Augustine Akiu, Sr.,P.O. Box 141, Na'alehu, Hawai'i 96772, Phone 929-7036; | or Kahana Akiu, phone " 328-7361. Kawaahau - We are planning a family reunion for either July 4, or Labor Day in Honolulu for descendants of Daniel Kawaahau and his 13 children. We need help in planning our reunion lf you want to be on our
committee, we really need your help. We are having a hard time in getting our family together. Please eall Jo Ann Lukzen, 735-611 3 or Corvette P. Kroger, 456-0437. Tripp - Descendants of Jonathan B. Tripp are planning a reunion for July 4-6, on the isiand of Maui. Tripp, originally from New Bedford, Mass., married two women in the Kingdom of Hawai'i: 1) Puohuole and 2) Namahana. Please contact Hope Woolsey, 125
Kahiapo Pl., Haiku, Maui 96708, and Nalani Longakit, 187 Ahuna Rd., Hilo, Hawai'l 96720. Or eall Tita Gramberg at 259-7759 or 259-7930. Maunu - The descendants of Keawe Maunu and Kamakainaina Hamu, Samuel Harmony Maunu and Herbert K. Maunu will be holding their first 'ohana reunion on Aug. 15 andl6. For additional information contact Maraea (Maunu) Ynigues at 1 (808) 678-2098 or Minnie Feliciano at 1(808) 889-5207.
\kana/Kaapuiki/Kaopuiki - A family reunion is planned for July 3 (potluck) and July 4 (lu'au at Wailoa State Park) in Hilo, Hawai'i. We are seeking any descendants of Kaili (Kailianu Kaapuiki) Kaapuiki Akana and Wong Sung Akana. First mailing to 'ohana on current list was sent on July 17, 1996. If you did not receive the reunion information and want to be on the mailing list, eall Ah Ngo (Lorraine) Akana at (808) 536-0333 or eall Ellie Keanini t at (808) 455-5821 . Akana 'Ohana eookbooks are ready for distribution, $10 eaeh plus shipping and handling). Call Ah Ngo for more information.
Manuhoa - The family of Manuhoa with Tutu Akina as the major 'ohana of Great-great-grandfather Manuhoa. The family of Tutu Akina's brother Pahukula's 'ohana and the 'ohana of Willie "K" will hopefully participate. If any one of these family or 'ohana read this notice, please eall Kealii Kunewa at (808) 326-3350 or write to: 76-6246 Alii Dr. #152, KailuaKona, Hawai'i, 96745.