Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1997 — '97 starts with feisty demonstrations [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'97 starts with feisty demonstrations

Four trustees elected on Nov. 5, were still not sworn in two months later. Hee had voluntarily capitulated to the questionable legal opinions of his attorneys, but three of the elected were not to take this position without action. He said, wait until March or Apnl. The Supreme Court decision on Akaka-Kealoha would be delayed. Apohona, Machado and Springer must continue to look in on a dormant OHA. Ousted trustees Akaka and Kealoha filed a last minute court suit pro se, without benefit of an attorney, to vahdate a flawed state system. Akaka lost by 72 votes and her Home Island, assured news readers that the suit was not 'sour grapes.' Keale the longest serving and only trustee authorized to eah a meeting to swear in the newly-elected retreated to Kauai to wait out the results. Hee used the time to polihe to keep his gavel. The spiritualist preachers Akana, an old foe, and Keale, displaced for the 'uhaele' whatever cajoled them to his team? 'A'ole! The trio move in on Dec. 30 and demanded OHA petition the court to decide their certification. They rejected the legal opinions rendered. Judge Bambi Weil moved in behalf of Apohona and Keale since their eleehon could not be seriously challenged. On Jan. 9 AND ĪO both attended meetings to confirm a budget. Due Nov. 1, the first presentation of Oct. 19 by Hee, Aiona and the Colburn Administration proposed an increase of $42 milhon. Included was a $3 thousand desk for the administrator. A few thinking trustees had cataleptic fits. MORE PILIKIA, Akaka and Kealoha seemed to use their case to negotiate for an OHA JOB as Task Force Consultants to correct voting system. Now they have an attorney Seitz, the one pressured OHA into bailout money for Carpenter, negotiate to

drop their suit if OHA wih fund a task force for them to head to correct voter certification.

Another, tardy decision, Administrator Colburn's contract expired on Dec. 31. Hee gives no details. HEE ANNOUNCES NO GRANTS TO BE GIVEN OUT, a critical move for beneficiaries. This arbitrary decision wih be ehallenged because a request was made by the auditor to decide the criteria. What about the other audit recommendations unattended to for the past four years? Marian Higa, is there a leak in your office? The other 8 trustees have heard nothing from your office. Hee selectively applies the law. Broder issues opinions for OHA and Him, but has no contract approved by the BOT. OHA has produced no annual report since 1994-95. Beamer's request denied for TRO TO ACCESS INFORMATION. But Judge Nakatani approved a Request for a PreUminary that trustees had a right to access the details. Like the Budget passed, would you be content to receive a one page sheet budget, for a 300 million doUar business with no back up material? 1997 will be a good year, be alert and act. You were exemplary at the HSEC eonvention. Make OHA your representative. Hold our feet to the fire, eall, make suggeshons. It is not necessary to play pohtics, just be honest. What's good at OHA: We now know where the problems are, whom we ean trust and what we must do. Laugh for the issue: a beneficiary called the receptionist and asked, "Where ean I get an application for the Task Force Consultant's job, that includes travel per diem, expenses, office and staff that Moani Akaka wants?"

f'W fat'f 5 ooA t \t We hw kno w wAae tAe pollet»i x*e, u/Aom we cah twt ahA wAxt we Mn*t Ao."

Trustee Messages OHA trustees' individual views expressed do not necessarily represent the officia/ position (rf the Board ofTrustces. OHA is not responsible for accuracy of these commentaries. The trustees weleome eommeni. Write to Ka Wai Ola o OHA. 71 1 Kapi'olani Bivd. Suite 500, Hono/uiu 96817.


Trustee, At-Large